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December 1999 Edition

EU Grain Product Export Licenses Off 35 Percent From Last Year's Pace

EU grain product export license awards have slowed this year as new buying patterns emerge. Smaller flour licenses appear to reflect a fundamental drop in demand as some traditional importers look to expand milling capacities (see story inside). But the slower pace of malt export awards, which may only be temporary, can be attributed to new buying strategies rather than a drop off in demand.

Historically, EU malt business and license acquisition is mostly completed in October and November after the barley harvest and malt subsidies (tied to barley) are announced. This year, however, foreign buyers have been contracting for smaller amounts to cover only nearby needs. With high international barley prices and relatively small malt export subsidies, exporters have obtained only enough licenses to cover sales already on the books. However, a pickup in licenses is expected in the second half of the year because of lower prices and higher expected subsidies (currently $35/MT).

All Grain Summary Tables: Foreign Countries and US Data

Foreign Countries' Policies and Programs

Situation and Outlook: Commentary and Current Data

Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries

General Footnotes for Grain Tables

Grain and Feed Contact List

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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003