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Press Statement
Sean McCormack
Washington, DC
July 7, 2008

Somalia – Murder of United Nations Official

The United States condemns the murder of Osman Ali Ahmed, Officer in Charge of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Mogadishu, Somalia. We offer our sympathy and condolences to Ahmed’s family and colleagues, and appreciate Somali and African Union medical efforts to save Ahmed’s life.

Ahmed’s murder, a brutal act that occurred as he, his son and brother left a mosque after prayers, highlights the determination of violent extremists to attack the right to worship and to silence moderate voices working for peace and lasting stability in Somalia. The United States calls on all Somalis to work together through peaceful dialogue and compromise in the spirit of the June 9 Djibouti Agreement and to ensure the safety of all humanitarian staff in Somalia.


Released on July 7, 2008

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