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Grain: World Markets and Trade 
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Foreign Agricultural Service Circular Series
FG 01-07

January 2007                   
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Global Rice Trade in 2007: Thailand to Expand Lead as World’s Largest Exporter

Charts illustrating Thailand's surging rice exports and it's dominance in the world market.



World rice supplies are expected to be tight in 2007, but despite this ample supplies in Thailand will allow it to widen its lead as the world’s largest exporter. Intervention stocks are currently at high levels and the government has signaled that it intends to reduce them by selling more for export.


This will allow Thai exporters to profit from strong Philippine and Indonesian demand. Exports to the EU could also increase given the need to replace U.S. rice sales which have been effectively banned. Vietnam’s exports are expected to improve, despite press reports to the contrary, as a consequence of Indonesia’s increased demand. U.S. exports are forecast to slightly decline due to tighter supplies and higher prices, despite strong world demand.


Global import demand will be driven by Indonesia, where imports are forecast to triple. A weak El Nino has led to dry conditions during sowing periods, impacting area rather than yield. Other factors also contributing to the falling area include seed and fertilizer problems and to pressures from land conversion to non-agricultural uses.


TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                    Complete Grain Report in PDF
Grain World Markets and Trade Commodity Data                   
All Grains Summary: Global snapshot of grains production, consumption, stocks and trade


Monthly Commentary: Wheat: World Markets and Trade

Table 1:  World Wheat, Flour, and Products Trade

Table 2:  World Wheat Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 3:  Regional Wheat Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks


Monthly Commentary: Rice: World Markets and Trade

Table 1:  World Rice Trade

Table 2:  World Rice Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 3:  Regional Rice Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Coarse Grains

Monthly Commentary: Coarse Grains: World Markets and Trade

Table 1:  World Coarse Grain Trade

Table 2:  World Coarse Grains Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 3:  Regional Coarse Grain Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 4:  World Corn Trade

Table 5:  World Corn Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 6:  Regional Corn Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 7:  World Barley Trade

Table 8:  World Barley Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 9:  Regional Barley Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 10: World Sorghum Trade

Table 11: World Sorghum Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 12: Regional Sorghum Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 13: World Oats Trade

Table 14: World Oats Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 15: Regional Oats Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 16: World Rye Trade

Table 17: World Rye Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table 18: Regional Rye Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Historical Data Series

Table 1:  European Union: Grain Supply and Demand

Table 2:  China: Grain Supply and Demand

Table 3:  Other Europe: Grain Supply and Demand

Table 4:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Wheat and Coarse Grains)

Table 5:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Wheat)

Table 6:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Corn)

Table 7:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Barley)

Table 8:  Wheat Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters

Table 9:  Corn Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters

Table 10: Barley Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters

Table 11: Sorghum Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters

Table 12: U.S. Grains Supply and Distribution: Wheat, Corn, Sorghum, Barley, Oats, Rye, and Rice

Table 13: Total Wheat and Coarse Grains: Supply and Demand

Table 14: World Wheat and Coarse Grains: Supply and Demand

Table 15: World Corn and Barley: Supply and Demand

Table 16: World Rice: Supply and Demand

Endnotes: Regional Table Definitions and other notes.

Additional Resources

Production, Supply and Demand Database Online (PSD Online)

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE)

Interagency Commodity Estimates Committees (ICEC)


December 2006

Schedule Change:
FAS will update its production, supply and distribution database for grains along with its downloadable data sets at 9 a.m. on December 11, 2006, instead of noon, December 12. The World Markets and Trade publications for grains will be released at 9:30 a.m. on December 11, instead of 3 p.m., December 12.

October 2006

Starting with the October release, data and the Circular will be available to the public at 12 noon (Washington, D.C. local time) the day following WASDE, i.e., 3 hours earlier than before. We hope to accelerate this schedule even further in the near future.

Your comments on the new Circular are welcome and can be sent to Thank you for the comments that we have already received. They have been very helpful.

September 2006

FAS released a new version of PSD Online on August 31, 2006. It retains all of the ease-of-use and functionality of the current version, while incorporating some new features. Samples of the new data attributes and format can be obtained from the FAS web site (

The new system will allow us to overhaul this Circular so readers will notice a new look beginning in September. This revised format will be "in transition" over the next several months, as we make use of the expanded capabilities of the new PSD system.  Your comments on the new Circular will be welcome and can be sent to We thank you in advance for your patience over the next few months.

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Last modified: Thursday, March 08, 2007