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Market and Trade Data
Featured Reports (Production, Market and Trade) - 2005
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New this week:

Dec 28, 2005 Value of U.S. Dairy Trade
Dec 21, 2005 Europe: 2005/06 Corn Production Down in the EU, Up in the Balkans
Dec 21, 2005 Record 2005/06 Cotton Yields Expected for West African Franc Zone
Dec 19, 2005 Russia: Unfavorable Establishment Conditions for Winter Grains

Previous reports:

Dec 15, 2005 Quarterly International Trade Report on Coarse Grains: Large Supplies, Flat Consumption and Trade, Falling Stocks, and the Second Lowest Stocks-to-Use Ratio on Record
Dec 12, 2005 Cotton:  Subcontinent Mill Use Hits Record; Still Below China
Dec 12, 2005

Ukraine Grain Exports Climb to Record

Dec 12, 2005

U.S. Soybean Export Forecast Declines This Month by 1.4 MMT South American Export Forecast Increases

Dec 9, 2005 Quarterly International Trade Report on Rice: Production for 2005/06 Has Been Revised up Slightly Since Last Quarter and Is Second Only to the 1999/2000 Record
Dec 6, 2005 Quarterly International Trade Report on Wheat: World Stocks Expected Lower Despite Second Largest Crop in History
Dec 2, 2005 World 2005/06 Coffee Production Forecast Remains Unchanged Amid Offsetting Adjustments
Nov 29, 2005 Malaysia: Near Normal Rainfall Supports Palm Oil Output
Nov 22, 2005 Argentina: Prices Favor Soybean and Sunflower Planting Over Corn
Nov 22, 2005 Brazil: Soybean and Corn Planting Progress
Nov 22, 2005 China: Higher Rice Production in 2005/06
Nov 22, 2005 North Korea Grain Situation - 2005/06
Nov 14, 2005 Ukraine Corn: Record Yield for 2005/06
Nov 14, 2005 Argentine Wheat Exports Down by Nearly Half
Nov 14, 2005 Greece's Cotton Exports Rise, More Competition for U.S.
Nov 14, 2005 U.S. Soybean Export Forecast Falls As Commitments Lag Year Ago Levels
Nov 10, 2005 Brazil: Soybean Area and Production Lower Due to Decreased Profitability (.pdf)
Nov 10, 2005 2006: Another Year of Record Trade in Red and Poultry Meat Forecasted (.pdf)
Oct 27, 2005 Global Durum Output Lower in 2005/06
Oct 26, 2005 Europe: Autumn Update
Oct 21, 2005 Ukraine: Dryness Hampers Winter Grain Planting
Oct 18, 2005 Indian Cotton Production Continues Its Upward Climb
Oct 18, 2005 Russia:  Estimated Cost of Production for Major Crops
Oct 13, 2005 Cotton: U.S. Market Share Likely Declines in 2005/06
Oct 13, 2005 Nigeria: A Growing Market for Wheat and Rice
Oct 13, 2005 Growing Industrial Use of Vegetable Oil Expected to Impact EU Oilseeds and Products Trade
Oct 13, 2005 U.S. Corn Market Share Higher Amidst Stagnant Import Demand
Oct 12, 2005

Bolivia: Agricultural Overview

Oct 12, 2005

China: Rains Reduce Cotton Output 

Sep 29, 2005 Russia and Ukraine: Winter Grain Establishment Hampered by Dryness 
Sep 26, 2005 Uganda: Low Water Levels Observed on Lake Victoria 
Sep 23, 2005 Argentina: 2005/06 Wheat Area Decreased 
Sep 21, 2005 Europe: Wheat, Corn and Sunflower Projections
Sep 16, 2005 U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Availability and Handling Charts (.pdf)
Sep 14, 2005 Malaysia: Near Normal Rainfall Supports Palm Oil Output
Sep 13, 2005 Cotton: U.S. Exports Shift to East and West Coasts
Sep 13, 2005 Growth in Industrial Uses of Palm Oil Exceeds Food Uses
Sep 13, 2005 Rice: Shake-up in Medium Grain Market Share
Sep 12, 2005 Brazil: 2005/06 Soybean Area Projected to Decline
Sep 9, 2005 U.S. Coffee Stocks by Port As of July 31 (In Million Bags)
Sep 1, 2005 Kenya and Tanzania 2005 Crop Tour Summary
Sep 1, 2005 Kenya: Corn Production Greater than Last Year
Sep 1, 2005 Tanzania:  Record Corn Area Increases Production
Aug 31, 2005 Quarterly International Trade Report (ITR) for Course Grains
Aug 30, 2005 World Asparagus Situation & Outlook
Aug 26, 2005 Quarterly International Trade Report for (ITR) Rice
Aug 26, 2005 NAFTA Boosts U.S. Horticultural Exports
Aug 26, 2005 U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Availability and Handling Charts
Aug 24, 2005 Canada Crop Conditions: Variable Across the Prairies
Aug 24, 2005 Wheat: World Situation and Outlook
Aug 17, 2005 Russia: Harvest Progressing Ahead of Last Year's Pace
Aug 15, 2005 Cotton: U.S. Exports Up in 2004/05 with Smaller Exports to China
Aug 15, 2005 China's Protein Meal Consumption Rises led by Soybean Meal
Aug 15, 2005 Former Soviet Union Wheat Exports Expected Strong
Aug 12, 2005 China: Larger Than Expected Wheat Crop in 2005/06
Aug 12, 2005 Ukraine: Wheat Harvest on Track to Surpass Last Year
Aug 02, 2005 World Tomato & Tomato Products Situation & Outlook, Aug 2005
Jul 27, 2005 Cuban Market, Good for U.S. Grain
Jul 22, 2005 U.S. Dairy Exports Forecast to Reach a Record $1.7 Billion in FY 2005
Jul 13, 2005 Brazil's Cotton Exports Rising as Domestic Use Declines
Jul 13, 2005 Drought in EU, Northwest Africa Cause Global Durum To Sharply Drop in 2005/06
Jul 13, 2005 Maghreb Wheat Imports Boosted by Lower Production
Jul 13, 2005 U.S. Soybean Meal Exports Adjusted Higher in July
Jul 12, 2005 European Union: Larger Wheat Crops In The New Member States Boosts EU Output in 2005/06 (.pdf)
Jul 12, 2005 Explanation of Revisions to the China Cotton Balance Sheet (.pdf)
Jul 12, 2005 Venezuela:  Agricultural Overview
Jun 24, 2005 Malaysia: Palm Oil Yields Surprisingly High
Jun 13, 2005 Cotton: Indian Subcontinent Mostly Self-sufficient in 2005/06
Jun 13, 2005 Soybean Exports Top 66MMT in 2005/06
Jun 13, 2005 Outlook Differs for Former Soviet Union Wheat and Coarse Grain Prospects
Jun 10, 2005 Ukraine:  Excessive Heat in Key Wheat and Barley Region
Jun 10, 2005 Sunflower Seed Production:  Rebound in Ukraine, Level in Russia
Jun 10, 2005 Brazil:  Total Crop Area Forecast to Increase Slightly in 2005/06
Jun 3, 2005 Coarse Grains: World Situation and Outlook
Jun 3, 2005 Rice: World Situation and Outlook
Jun 3, 2005 Wheat: World Situation and Outlook
Jun 1, 2005 World Apple Juice Situation
May 13, 2005 Cotton: World 2005/0 Imports Rise 16 Percent on China Demand
May 13, 2005 U.S. Share of Global Soybean Exports Increases for the First Time Since 2001/02
May 12, 2005 Explanation of Revisions to the China Cotton Balance Sheet (.pdf)
May 6, 2005 China's Agricultural Imports Boomed During 2003-04 (Economic Research Service)
May 5, 2005 World Wine Situation and Outlook (.pdf)
May 2, 2005 World Pear Situation (.pdf)
Apr 18, 2005 India: Rapeseed Positive Field Conditions
Apr 15, 2005 Argentina: Corn and Soybean Returns Expected to be lower in 2005
Apr 15, 2005 India: Cotton Forecast at Record 18 Million Bales
Apr 15, 2005 The Forces Shaping World Cotton Consumption After the Multifiber Arrangement (Economic Research Service; .pdf)
Apr 14, 2005 China: 2005/06 Winter Wheat Update
Apr 14, 2005 India: Wheat Positive Field Conditions
Apr 12, 2005 Bumper Corn Harvest Expected For South Africa
Apr 11, 2005 Record U.S. Soybean Exports in 2004/05 Follow Brazilian Drop in  Production Forecast
Apr 11, 2005 Turkey Cotton Imports Hit Record, U.S. Share Slips
Apr 11, 2005 Brazilian Grain Exports Drop
Apr 11, 2005 Grape Situation and Outlook, April 2005
Apr 11, 2005 Citrus Situation and Outlook, April 2005
Apr 11, 2005 Orange Juice Situation and Outlook, April 2005
Apr 8, 2005 Total World Meat Exports Forecast to Achieve Historical Highs in 2005 (.pdf) 
Mar 31, 2005 Brazil: Farmers Faced With Tough Decisions in Rio Grande do Sul
Mar 31, 2005 Europe: Winter Conditions Summary
Mar 31, 2005 Ukraine: Cool March Weather Delays Spring Planting
Mar 29, 2005 South East Asia: Drought Continues
Mar 29, 2005 World Apple Situation-March 2005
Mar 21, 2005 Vietnam: Record Rice Crop Expected
Mar 17, 2005 Argentina: Field Travel Report
Mar 17, 2005 Kazakhstan: Field Travel Report
Mar 16, 2005 U.S. Exports, Year to date: January 2005
Mar 11, 2005 Argentine Corn Exports to Reach Record
Mar 11, 2005 Cotton: U.S. Export Commitments on Track with Export Forecast
Mar 11, 2005 International Market Analysis: EU Weighs Ways to Solve Intervention Problems in New Member States
Mar 11, 2005 U.S. Export of Tropical Products Climbed Again in 2004
Mar 10, 2005

China: Recent Rain Eases Drought in the South

Mar 10, 2005

Brazil: 2004/05 Crop Situation Update

Mar 10, 2005 Russia: Agricultural Overview
Mar 7, 2005 World Avocado Situation and Outlook
Mar 3, 2005 Grain Trade Policy Overview: Venezuela
Mar 2, 2005 Morocco: Drought Concerns Linger For Winter Grains Despite Recent Rain
Mar 1, 2005 Malaysia: Palm Oil Area and Production
Feb 28, 2005 Updated: Foreign Cotton Area and Production for 2005/06 Expected to Fall
Feb 15, 2005 Spain and Portugal: Dry Conditions Threaten 2005/06 Crops
Feb 15, 2005 U.S. Seafood Exports Reaches $3.6 Billion in 2004
Feb 11, 2005 Key Wood Graphs (pdf.) February 2005
Feb 11, 2005 Organic Standards for Aquatic Animals February 2005
Feb 10, 2005 EU: Soybean Meal and Rapeseed Meal Consumption Expands in 2004/05
Feb 10, 2005 Southern Hemisphere Wheat Exports Strengthen
Feb 10, 2005 U.S. Export Commitments on Track with Export Forecast
Feb 10, 2005 Strawberry Situation & Outlook, February 2005 
Feb 10, 2005 Hazelnut Situation & Outlook, January 2005
Feb 10, 2005 HTP circular schedule
Feb 9, 2005 Foreign Cotton Production Area and Production for 2005/06 
Feb 9, 2005 Kazakhstan: Drought Reduces 2004 Wheat
Feb 8, 2005 Prospects in The Global Beer Market
Feb 4, 2005 Raisin Situation & Outlook, January 2005
Feb 4, 2005 Prune Situation & Outlook, January 2005
Jan 28, 2005 Tanzania: Record Cotton Production
Jan 28, 2005 Germany: Synthetic Diesel May Play a Significant Role as Renewable Fuel
Jan 25, 2005 Northwest Africa: Wheat and Barley Well Established
Jan 21, 2005 World Hazelnut Situation & Outlook
Jan 18, 2005 Winter Grain Conditions in Ukraine and Russia
Jan 13, 2005 Cotton Supply Even Larger in 2004/05
Jan 13, 2005 Global Wheat Import Demand Shifts East
Jan 12, 2005 The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (January 2005) 
Jan 12, 2005 Brazil: Soybean Crop Progress Update
Jan 12, 2005 Global Corn Production to Increase in 2004/05
Jan 07, 2005 Sweet Corn Situation and Outlook

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