Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 2622 Address of Patent Owner [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

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2622 Address of Patent Owner [R-5] - 2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

2622 Address of Patent Owner [R-5]

37 CFR 1.33 Correspondence respecting patent applications, reexamination proceedings, and other proceedings.


(c) All notices, official letters, and other communications for the patent owner or owners in a reexamination proceeding will be directed to the attorney or agent of record (see § 1.32(b)) in the patent file at the address listed on the register of patent attorneys and agents maintained pursuant to §§ 11.5 and 11.11 of this subchapter, or, if no attorney or agent is of record, to the patent owner or owners at the address or addresses of record. Amendments and other papers filed in a reexamination proceeding on behalf of the patent owner must be signed by the patent owner, or if there is more than one owner by all the owners, or by an attorney or agent of record in the patent file, or by a registered attorney or agent not of record who acts in a representative capacity under the provisions of § 1.34. Double correspondence with the patent owner or owners and the patent owner's attorney or agent, or with more than one attorney or agent, will not be undertaken. If more than one attorney or agent is of record and a correspondence address has not been specified, correspondence will be held with the last attorney or agent made of record.


In 37 CFR 1.33(c), it is indicated which correspondence address is to be normally used to direct correspondence to the patent owner. In most instances, this will be the address of the first named, most recent attorney or agent of record in the patent file, at his or her current address. As a general rule, the attorney-client relationship terminates when the purpose for which the attorney was employed is accomplished; e.g., the issuance of a patent to the client. However, apart from the attorney-client relationship, the Office has, by regulation, 37 CFR 10.23(c)(8), made it the responsibility of every "practitioner," by virtue of his/her registration, "to inform a client or former client... of correspondence received from the Office... when the correspondence (i) could have a significant effect on a matter pending before the Office, (ii) is received by the practitioner on behalf of a client or former client, and (iii) is correspondence of which a reasonable practitioner would believe under the circumstances the client or former client should be notified." (Emphasis added.) This responsibility of a practitioner to a former client manifestly is not eliminated by withdrawing as an attorney or agent of record. The practitioner if he/she so desires, can minimize the need for forwarding correspondence concerning issued patents by having the correspondence address changed after the patent issues if the correspondence address is the practitioner's address, which frequently is the case where the practitioner is the attorney or agent of record.

Further, 37 CFR 10.23(c)(8) requires a practitioner to "timely notify the Office of an inability to notify a client or former client of correspondence received from the Office." (Emphasis added.) As the language of this requirement clearly indicates, the duty to notify the Office is a consequence, not of any attorney-client relationship, but rather arises by virtue of the practitioner's status as a registered patent attorney or agent.

If the patent owner desires that a different attorney or agent receive correspondence, then a new power of attorney must be filed. Correspondence will continue to be sent to the attorney or agent of record in the patent file absent a revocation of the same by the patent owner. If the attorney or agent of record specifies a correspondence address to which correspondence is to be directed, such direction should be followed. However, since a change in the correspondence address does not withdraw a power of attorney, a change of the correspondence address by the patent owner does not prevent the correspondence from being directed to the attorney or agent of record in the patent file under 37 CFR 1.33(c).

Submissions to the Office to change the correspondence address or power of attorney in the record of the patent should be addressed as follows:

Where a request for >inter partes< reexamination has been filed and a reexamination proceeding is accordingly pending as to a patent.

**>Mail Stop "Inter Partes Reexam"

Attn: Central Reexamination Unit<

Commissioner for Patents

P.O. Box 1450

Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Where no request for reexamination has been filed and the patent is in storage*>:<

Mail Stop Document Services

Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

P.O. Box 1450

Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

>It is strongly recommended that the Mail Stop information be placed in a prominent position on the first page of each paper being filed utilizing a sufficiently large font size that will direct attention to it.<

A sample form for changing correspondence address or power of attorney is set forth below.


attachment to form pto/sb/58 (page 2)

privacy act statement


See MPEP § 324 for establishing assignee's right to take action when submitting a power of attorney.

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