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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence


Cote d'Ivoire

 Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 7/17/2007


Pres. Laurent GBAGBO
Prime Min. Guillaume SORO
Min. of African Integration & Spokesperson of the Govt. Amadou KONE
Min. of Agriculture Amadou Gon COULIBALY
Min. of Animal Production & Fisheries Alphonse DOUATI
Min. of Communications Ibrahim Sy SAVANE
Min. of Construction, Urban Development, & Housing Marcel Benoit Amon TANOH
Min. of Culture & Francophony Komoe Augustin KOUADIO
Min. of Defense Michel AMANI
Min. of Economic Infrastructure Patrick ACHI
Min. of Economy & Finance Charles Koffi DIBY
Min. of Employment & Civil Service Hubert OULAYE
Min. of Environment, Water Resources, & Forests Daniel Ayissi AKA
Min. of Family, Women, & Social Affairs Adjoua Jeanne Brou PEUHMOND
Min. of the Fight Against HIV/AIDS Christine ADJOBI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Youssouf BAKAYOKO
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Ibrahima CISSE
Min. of Industry & Private Sector Promotion Amah Marie TEHOUA
Min. of Interior Desire TAGRO
Min. of Justice & Human Rights & Keeper of the Seal Mamadou KONE
Min. of Mines & Energy Leon Emmanuel MONNET
Min. of National Education Gilbert BLEU-LAINE
Min. of National Reconciliation & Institutional Relations Sebastien Dano DJEDJE
Min. of New Technologies, Information, & Communication Hamed BAKAYOKO
Min. of Planning & Development Paul Antoine Bohoun BOUABRE
Min. of Public Health Remi Allah KOUADIO
Min. of Reconstruction & Reintegration Fatoumata BAMBA-HAMZA
Min. of Solidarity & War Victims Louis Andre DAKOURY-TABLEY
Min. of Technical Education & Vocational Training Moussa DOSSO
Min. of Territorial Admin. Daniel Cheik BAMBA
Min. of Tourism & Handicrafts Sidike KONATE
Min. of Trade & Commerce Youssouf SOUMAHORO
Min. of Transportation Albert Mabri TOIKEUSSE
Min. of Urban Development & Hygiene Theodore Mel EG
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Leisure Dagobert BANZIO
Ambassador to the US Yao Charles KOFFI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Alcide Ilahiri DJEDJE


Posted: May 03, 2007 03:31 PM
Last Updated: Nov 05, 2007 01:47 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 03:31 PM

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