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CIA Home > Library > Publications > World Leaders > World Leaders - C > Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 11/30/2007


Pres. Joseph KABILA
Prime Min. Antoine GIZENGA
Min. of State for Agriculture Francois Joseph MOBUTU NZANGA Ngbangawe
Min. of State for Interior, Decentralization, & Security Denis KALUME Numbi
Min. of State at the Presidency Nkulu MITUMBA Kilombo
Min. of Budget Adolphe MUZITO
Min. of Civil Service Laurent-Simon IKENGE Lisambola
Min. of Communications & Media Emile BONGELI
Min. of Culture & Arts Esdras KAMBALE
Min. of Defense & Veterans Affairs Guyslain CHIKEZ Diemu
Min. of Economy & External Trade Andre-Phillipe FUTA
Min. of Energy Salomon BANAMUHERE Baliene
Min. of the Environment & Tourism Jose ENDUNDU Bononge
Min. of Finance Athanase MATENDA Kyelu
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Antipas MBUSA Nyamwisi
Min. of Gender, Women, & Children's Affairs Philomene Omatuku ATSHAKAWO Akatshi
Min. of Health Victorienne MELENGE
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Leonard MASUGA
Min. of Hydrocarbons Lambert MENDE Omalanga
Min. of Industry Simon MBOSO Kiamputu
Min. of Infrastructure, Public Works, & Reconstruction Pierre LUMBI Okongo
Min. of Justice Mutombo BAKAFWA Nsenda
Min. of Labor & Social Security Marie-Ange LUKIANA Mufwankolo
Min. of Lands Edouard KABUKABWA Bitangilay
Min. of Mines Martin KABWELULU Labilo
Min. of National Economy Sylvain Joel BIFWILA Tchamwala
Min. of Plan Olivier KAMITATU Etsu
Min. of Post, Telephones, & Telecommunications Louisa MUNGA
Min. of Primary & Secondary Education Maker MWANGU Famba
Min. at the Prime Min.'s Office Godefroid Mayobo MPWENE Ngantien
Min. of Public Enterprises Jeannine MABUNDA Lioko
Min. of Relations With Parliament Adolphe LUMANU
Min. of Social & Humanitarian Affairs Jean-Claude MUYAMBO
Min. of Transportation Charles MWANDO Nsimba
Min. of Urban Planning & Housing Sylvain NGABU Chumbu
Min. of Youth & Sports Willy BAKONGA
Governor, Central Bank Jean-Claude MASANGU Mulango
Ambassador to the US Faida Maramuke MITIFU
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Atoki Christian ILEKA

Posted: May 03, 2007 09:57 AM
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2007 10:34 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 09:57 AM

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