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Oregon Benchmarks
Introducing Oregon Benchmarks
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Current list of benchmarks
2006 Benchmark Update Process
2004 Benchmark Update Process
Introducing Oregon Benchmarks
Oregon Benchmarks measure progress towards Oregon´s strategic vision, Oregon Shines. Its goals are three-fold:
  1. Quality jobs for all Oregonians
  2. Safe, caring and engaged communities
  3. Healthy, sustainable surroundings
Benchmarks are organized into seven categories: economy, education, civic engagement, social support, public safety, community development and environment.
These measures help to provide the long view perspective in solving economic, social and environmental problems. In addition, Oregon Benchmarks are used for a broad array of policymaking and budget-related activities. Oregon state agencies are required to link their key performance measures to them. Student achievement benchmarks are the cornerstone of Oregon´s educational reform initiatives. State-local planning processes, like Oregon´s innovative Partners for children and Families program, use benchmarks to focus collaborative efforts. County governments and community organizations use benchmarks to help gauge their progress.
Biennial Benchmark Reports

Create a custom report
Visit the new Oregon Benchmarks Web site.

Current list of benchmarks
The document below provides a complete list of the Oregon Benchmarks to be used for 2007-09. A few new benchmarks were added and some changes were made to existing benchmarks based on responses to the 2006 Benchmark Update Survey and recommendations from benchmark contacts. 
Please note that some unchanged benchmarks have new benchmark numbers for 2007-09.
Benchmarks for 2007-09 (doc)

2006 Benchmark Update Process
Update Survey
As in 2004, the Oregon Progress Board developed two surveys to gather public input on its 90 Oregon Benchmarks in June 2006.  The Invitation Survey was sent to the Board's email list of approximately 1800 people. The Public Survey was posted on the home pages of the Board and some of its partners and was publicized in the media.
Invitation Survey (205 respondents)
Public Survey (48 respondents)

Survey Analysis
Below are staff analysis (in progress) that will be reviewed by the Assessment Committee and eventually acted on by the Progress Board.

Economy (doc)
Education (doc) 
Civic Engagement (doc) 
Social Support (doc) 
Public Safety (doc) 
Community Development (doc) 
Environment (doc)
Although the Progress Board appreciated all comments in the above documents, the ones in yellow highlight are those that staff felt are actionable.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Progress.Board@state.or.us.

Board Action
Staff worked with the board's Assessment Committe to prepare recommendations for board action at the October 26, 2006 board meeting.
Assessment Committee Recommendations (xls)
Action by Benchmark (pdf)
The following document lists the new numbers and wording of all benchmarks after board action at the October 26, 2006 meeting.
Benchmarks for 2007 (doc) - not printer friendly

Benchmark Criteria and Target Setting Protocol
In order to make transparent its decision-making in the 2006 Benchmark Update process, on July 27th the Progress Board approved Oregon Benchmark Criteria (doc).
Benchmark contacts: if a proposed change to a benchmark requires changing the targets, use the Target Setting Protocol (doc) as a guide to propose new targets to the board.

2004 Benchmark Update Process
Benchmark Update Surveys
In the spring of 2004, the Oregon Progress Board conducted two surveys designed to gather public input on the current set of 90 Oregon Benchmarks. The first survey was sent to the Board´s email list of approximately 1500 people. The second survey was additionally publicized through the media. You may view the data here: Survey I (April 2004) and Survey II (May 2004).

Survey Analysis
The staff analysis of the survey data (pdf) that was presented to the Progress Board at the July Meeting.

Board Action
The September, December and January (2005) Progress Board meetings are devoted to benchmark updates.
Staff work and board action by benchmark (xls), updated on December 3, 2004 based on the action taken at the December 2nd board meeting.

Page updated: September 08, 2008

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