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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 9/5/2008


Pres. Giorgio NAPOLITANO
Prime Min. Silvio BERLUSCONI
Under Sec. for the Prime Min. Gianni LETTA
Min. of Agriculture Luca ZAIA
Min. of Community Policy Andrea RONCHI
Min. of Cultural Assets Sandro BONDI
Min. of Defense Ignazio LA RUSSA
Min. of Economic Development Claudio SCAJOLA
Min. of Economy & Finance Giulio TREMONTI
Min. of Education Maria Stella GELMINI
Min. of Environment Stefania PRESTIGIACOMO
Min. of Equal Opportunity Mara CARFAGNA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Franco FRATTINI
Min. of Infrastructure & Transport Altero MATTEOLI
Min. of Innovation Renato BRUNETTA
Min. of Interior Roberto MARONI
Min. of Justice Angelino ALFANO
Min. of Program Implementation Gianfranco ROTONDI
Min. of Reforms & Federalism Umberto BOSSI
Min. of Regional Affairs Raffaele FITTO
Min. of Relations With Parliament Elio VITO
Min. of Simplification Roberto CALDEROLI
Min. of Welfare Maurizio SACCONI
Min. of Youth Policy Giorgia MELONI
Pres. of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco FINI
Pres. of the Senate Renato SCHIFANI
Governor, Bank of Italy Mario DRAGHI
Ambassador to the US Giovanni CASTELLANETA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Giulio TERZI di Sant'Agata

Posted: May 03, 2007 12:26 PM
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2008 11:22 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 12:26 PM

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