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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 8/19/2008


Pres. (Acting) Rupiah BANDA
Vice Pres. Rupiah BANDA
Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives Ben KAPITA
Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives Sarah SAYIFWANDA
Min. of Commerce, Trade, & Industry Dora SILIYA
Min. of Community Development & Social Services Catherine NAMUGALA
Min. of Defense George MPOMBO
Min. of Education Geoffrey LUNGWANGA
Min. of Energy & Water Development Kenneth KONGA
Min. of Environment, Natural Resources, & Tourism Michael KAINGU
Min. of Finance & National Planning Ngandu Peter MAGANDE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Kabinga PANDE
Min. of Gender & Women's Development Patricia MULASIKWANDA
Min. of Health Angela CIFIRE
Min. of Home Affairs Ronnie SHIKAPWASHA, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Mike MULONGOTI
Min. of Labor & Social Security  
Min. of Lands Gladys NYIRONGO
Min. of Justice George KUNDA
Min. of Local Govt. & Housing Sylvia MASEBO
Min. of Mines & Mineral Resources Kalombo MWANSA
Min. of Presidential Affairs Cecil HOLMES
Min. of Science, Technology, & Vocational Training Brian CHITUWO
Min. of Sports, Youth, & Child Development Gabriel NAMULAMBE
Min. of Transport & Communications Peter DAKA
Min. of Works & Supply Kapembwa SIMBAO
Permanent Sec., Office of the Pres. Gibson ZIMBA
Attorney Gen. George KUNDA
Solicitor Gen. Sunday NKONDE
Governor, Central Bank Caleb FUNDANGA
Ambassador to the US Inonge MBIKUSITA-LEWANIKA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Lazarous KAPAMBWE

Posted: May 03, 2007 10:24 AM
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2008 10:39 AM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 10:24 AM

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