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State Recruitment Improvement Project (SRIP)
Sponsors' Vision
The State of Oregon is in need of skilled workers and is exploring new ways to help workers apply for state jobs.  For years, the state’s application process has remained unchanged despite significant changes in technology and Oregon’s workforce.  The State Recruitment Improvement Project (SRIP)  has been launched with the vision (pdf) of opening the door to previously under utilized labor markets and easing prospective workers’ links to the state.  Using the Oregon Employment Department’s award winning iMatchSkills® program as its base, the SRIP will examine its capabilities to meet the needs of state agencies.  This is a project that has the support of key state agencies and DAS is committed to its success.  We see the result as a critical element in the state of Oregon’s desire to attract the best and the brightest to state service. 
Susan Wilson - DAS HRSD Administrator
Jennifer Lara - DAS HRSD Training & Recruitment

New Business Model
The New Business Model  will be a paradigm shift in state recruiting.  State agencies Human Resource offices work load is going to shift from manual processing to a service oriented approach.  HR staff will have more time to focus on outreach efforts in order to recruit qualified applicants.  Recruiters will also be focusing their efforts on working with hiring managers and ensuring the MQ Templates (optional requirements and preferred skills) are appropriate and meet their needs for recruitments.
Business Model FAQs (pdf)

Electronic Communications
SRIPcomlist - is a restricted mailing list for communications to state agency human resource managers and recruitment professionals who are interested in being updated on the progress of SRIP.

2008 Status Reports (all pdfs)


Pilot Phase

Classification Transition (xls)
Implementation Plan (doc)
Pilot Classifications List


Classification and MQ (ppt)
Job Seeker (pdf)
iMS Q&A (pdf)
MQ/SOC Q&A (pdf)

Project Resources

Governance Model (pdf)
Project Team (doc)

Stakeholder Links

Project Overview (pdf)
Project Charter (pdf)
Communication Plan (doc)
Project Schedule (pdf)
Project Plan (pdf)
Status Reports Archive
Page updated: August 01, 2008

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