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Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
What is the HRIS Project?

The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Project together with the Oregon Department of Transportation will identify, and implement a commercial off the shelf “COTS” enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that includes Department of Administrative Services statewide human resource and ODOT financial modules. When fully implemented, DAS will replace the existing Position Personnel Database (PPDB), and the Position Information Control System (PICS) applications.

Why replace the existing HR Systems?
The existing Human Resource related systems (PPDB, PICS) lack needed functionality, flexibility and depend on outdated technology. The current systems were designed to satisfy objectives at a time when the State had fewer data requirements and reporting needs.

Both the PPDB and PICS systems are nearing the end of their useful life. Due to their age and the number of changes that have been made over the years, these applications are increasingly difficult and costly to operate and maintain.
The design and complexity, as well as complicated business rules that have been established, continue to be major contributing factors to the lack of flexibility in these systems. Additionally, as key technical and business personnel become eligible to retire within the next 5 years, replacement staff will be increasingly difficult to recruit based on the outdated operating technology of the both systems.

What can you expect?
Once completed the HRIS project will provide increased functionality to agency staff and employees. Some of the improvements you will see are:
  • Updated HR business processes;
  • Flexible and local reporting for HR staff and managers;
  • Self service capabilities for managers and agency HR staff;
  • Data modeling capability for “what If” scenarios;
  • Reduction of redundant HR systems and processes;
  • Improved data security for your employee information, and;
  • A comprehensive HRIS training program for new and existing HR staff.
The high level HRIS project tasks in 2008 are:
  • Development of a business case and cost benefit analysis;
  • Identification of agency and business partner advisory groups;
  • Working with agencies to identify HR processes and requirements, and;
  • Begin development of a Request for Proposal for a HRIS package.

Electronic Communications
dashrisproject.com   - is a mailing list for HRIS project communications to those interested in being updated on the progress of the project.    

Communication Documents (pdf)

HRIS Fact Sheet
Upcoming Documents

ERP Demonstration Information

Presentation Schedules
Agenda Sample
Oracle EBusiness Demo Agenda
Oracle EBusiness Overview Agenda
Page updated: September 25, 2008

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