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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 4/1/2008


Pres. Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR, Fd. Mar.
First Vice Pres. Salva KIIR Mayardit
Vice Pres. Ali Osman TAHA
Senior Asst. to the Pres. Minni Arkou MINNAWI
Asst. to the Pres. Nafie Ali NAFIE
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Zubeir Beshir TAHA
Min. of Animal & Resources Mohamed Ahmed al-Tahir Abu KALABISH
Min. of Cabinet Affairs PAGAN Amum Okiech
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sport Mohammed Yusuf ABDALLAH
Min. of Defense Abdel Rahim Mohammed HUSSEIN
Min. of Energy & Mining Al Zubayr Ahmad al HASAN
Min. of Environment & Urban Development Ahmed Babkir NAHAR
Min. of Federal Govt. Abdalrahman SAID, Lt. Gen. (Ret.)
Min. of Finance & National Economy Awad Ahmed AL-JAZ
Min. of Finance & Planning Zubeir Mohammed HASSAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs DENG Alor Kuol
Min. of Foreign Trade James KOK Rio
Min. of Gen. Education Hamid Muhammad IBRAHIM
Min. of Health Tabita SOKAYA
Min. of Higher Education George BORENG Niyami
Min. of Humanitarian Affairs Harun Ron LUAL
Min. of Industry Jalal AL-DUGAIR
Min. of Information & Communication Zahawi Ibrahim MALEK
Min. of Interior Ibrahim Mahmoud HAMID
Min. of Intl. Cooperation AL-TIJANI Saleh Hudeib
Min. of Investment KOSTI Manibe
Min. of Justice & Prosecutor Gen. Abdel Basit Saleh SABDARAT
Min. of Labor & Human Resources Alison MANANI Magaya
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Josheph OKELO
Min. of the Presidency BAKRI Hassan Saleh
Min. of Religious Affairs & Waqf Azhari Al-Tigani Awad AL-SID
Min. of Science & Technology Ibrahim Ahmed OMER
Min. of Tourism Josef MALWAL
Min. of Transportation Philip Thon LIK
Min. of Water Resources Kamal Ali MOHAMMED
Attorney Gen. Ali Mohamed Osman YASSIN
Governor, Central Bank of Sudan Muhammad al-Hasan SABIR
Charge d'Affaires to the US John UKEC Leuth
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem MOHAMAD

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:03 AM
Last Updated: Apr 04, 2008 01:03 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:03 AM

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