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What's Up at DAS -- March 2007
What’s Up at DAS is a quarterly newsletter that tells our partners what’s new in the various programs and projects under way in the state Department of Administrative Services. Our goal is to keep you up to date and in the know as we work to accomplish our mission: “Lead the pursuit of excellence in state government.”
For your convenience, contact information appears in every article, in case you need more detail.  If you have questions about What’s Up at DAS, please contact us. As always, the DAS staff looks forward to hearing from you.
Lindsay Ball, DAS Director

State Services Division
Fleet Administration, Publishing and Distribution, Risk Management, State Procurement and Surplus Property comprise the State Services Division.
Fleet Administration 
In 2004, DAS started a technology project for a Web-based invoicing system to handle Fleet's more than 300 agency accounts. Last August, an initial test phase began with a few small state agencies participating. Next, the Department of Transportation joined as the first large agency to test the system, and the Department of Human Services joined last October. Customer feedback suggests that the system is a success.
Today, Fleet processes invoices in PDF and Excel formats, and places them on a secure Web site for agency customers to access. The new system offers the option of accessing data in various formats, which gives agencies latitude in data manipulation and reporting. In addition to the customer convenience of an electronic, Web-based system, it greatly reduces both printing and distribution time, with the added environmental benefit of saving approximately 24,500 sheets of paper per month!
Contact: Kent Fretwell, (503) 378-2307, ext. 225

Publishing and Distribution
Publishing and Distribution (P&D) has completed the consolidation of state print services by adding mainframe print work for the departments of Transportation (DMV), Human Services and Employment. Staff and managers of P&D are grateful to these agency partners for their diligent efforts to complete this consolidation successfully.
This final step of consolidation will produce substantial growth for P&D. Customers will soon receive a new brochure full of hints for helping P&D serve its customers better. Look for it in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please contact P&D with questions, (503) 373-1700.  


Risk Management
In January 2007, Risk Management convened a work group of several state agency representatives to focus on the state’s property self-insurance policy and claims processes. The group consisted of representatives from the departments of Fish and Wildlife and Transportation, Oregon University System, Judicial Department, DAS Fleet, and Risk Management. The members, selected for their agency's unique property risks, were asked to provide input and feedback on several concepts related to coverage enhancements and process improvements. The work group accepted and met aggressive timelines for its work, beginning in January and concluding in February. The results of the work group are now under consideration. Risk Management will communicate any proposed coverage or process changes to all state agencies prior to final adoption, which is planned for this summer.
Contact: Terri Sahli, (503) 373-1585

State Procurement
Choosing a consultant that’s right for your agency business need can be daunting and time-consuming. Now there’s help. If your program needs expertise to improve customer service, a pre-qualified list with 24 consultants is available on the Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN). Tim Jenks of the State Procurement Office worked with the Office of Regulatory Streamlining at the Department of Consumer and Business Services to lead a request for proposals process that resulted in the new contracts. 
The purpose of this effort is to give agencies a simplified and streamlined way to get assistance for projects that help people do business with state agencies. Expertise among the 24 consulting firms includes process improvement, facilitation, mediation, strategic planning and assessment services. Deb Wilcox, manager of the DMV Vehicle Transaction section, recently selected a contractor from the list.  “I’d say the pre-qualified list cut out about 80 percent of the work in the selection process,” Wilcox reported.  “It was really slick.” 
To find these contracts, log in to ORPIN, click on “Statewide Contract Search” and “By Keyword.” Enter “consultive” in the search field, and click “title.” Open the first contract on the list. Instructions for using the agreements and a list of all consulting firms are included as attachments.
Contact: Dianne Lancaster, (503) 378-3529

Surplus Property
The electronic age brings many conveniences and efficiencies to the way government conducts business. But with it comes the issue of dealing with electronic waste. In January 2007, the state established a policy to deal effectively with electronic waste (e-waste). The Surplus Property program is a key ingredient in helping agencies administer this policy.
Surplus Property partners with Garten Services to sort e-waste, ensuring maximum reuse of marketable items and reduced recycling fees. Certain items that meet strict criteria have no recycling fee. For others, Surplus charges 28 cents per pound to cover processing. The items for which recycling fees are waived include individual electronic assets in known working condition and central processing units (CPUs, working or not) which are documented and physically separated as distinct lots on Property Disposition Requests.
Visit Surplus Property's Web site to get a copy of the e-waste policy, frequently asked questions, e-waste criteria and fee information.
Contact: Brian King, (503) 378-4711, ext. 311

Public Employees' Benefit Board
A new Web site will make finding wellness information easier
A new Web site will make finding wellness information easier
New Employee Wellness Web Site
Most respondents to PEBB’s recent member survey named their doctors, PEBB and the Internet as their prime sources of health and wellness information. The response has spurred PEBB to develop a new Wellness Web site for roll-out this spring.
This portal will offer one-stop access to health information from:
  • PEBB health plans
  • The Employee Assistance Program
  • Such national health resources as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health
  • The DHS Healthy Worksites Initiative
  • State and national non-profit groups dedicated to improving individual and public health.
The goal is to ensure PEBB members get easy access to health and wellness information that is supported by the best scientific evidence.
Contact: Rebecca Sweatman, (503) 378-3965

State Controller's Division
State Controller's Division is a partner in e-commerce services offered by DAS and other state agencies
The State Controller’s Division recently published its first monthly electronic newsletter as a communication tool for users of its Datamart. The Datamart is a repository of accounting and payroll data used for agency ad-hoc reporting. Customers had an opportunity to submit creative ideas for the official name of the newsletter, Datamart Connection (pdf). Through this newsletter, the State Controller's Division will share information about upcoming events and activities related to the Datamart that may impact users. This will help customers stay abreast of available training opportunities and meeting dates for the quarterly Datamart Users Group. For Datamart questions, contact Jean L. Gabriel, (503) 373-7277, ext. 253.
The E-government program is tracking its fourth year of e-commerce sales through the DAS online payment system, Secure Pay. It enables citizens to conduct business transactions with the state over the Internet, instead of standing in line at an agency office. In 2006, more than 229,000 transactions occurred online, totaling nearly $24 million in Internet sales. The program is on its way to collect over $30 million in 2007!  
The Department of Justice is the newest addition to the state's e-commerce capabilities. Donations may now be made online to the Sexual Assault Victim’s Emergency Medical Response Fund. Previously, donations could only be made over the counter or via U.S. mail. Accepting donations online may potentially increase donations to the fund.
Other e-commerce online services include DMV's vehicle registration renewal, Marine Board's boat registration renewal, professional license renewals such as nurses, business registration, hair dressers, cosmetologists, well drillers and many others.
Lisa Van Laanen, SCD, (503) 378-3156, ext. 275
Scott Smith, E-government, (503) 378-2973

Human Resource Services Division
Classification and Compensation
Two statewide class studies are currently under way:
Trades Group 3 - The allocation process (placement of positions into classifications) was opened on Feb. 12. Allocations are due March 23.
Contact: Laurie Grenya, (503) 373-7431.
Hearings Officer - The audit phase began Feb. 19. After the audit review, these studies will be available for bargaining. Contact: Jim Walsh, (503) 373-7676.
Final classification specifications for these studies will be posted to the Human Resource Services Division Web site.
Several agency specific class studies are under way at various stages of the study process. Classes include Identification Bureau, Law Enforcement Data Systems Specialist, Building Codes, Child Care Worker, Insurance Examiner, Fish and Wildlife Tech and Manager, Parks Field Structure, Forestry Specific. To contact a Classification and Compensation consultant, please call (503) 373-1847.
Class Specification Web Site gets an Overhaul
Human Resource Services Division recently made improvements to its Class Specification Web site. Initial feedback from customers is very positive. Changes include:
  • Full page display of all class specifications, test plans, and pay rates in PDF format
  • All pay rates for each classification
  • Expanded listings with pay rates of unclassified titles (7500s)
  • Easier site navigation.
The improved site enables pay rates to be kept current as changes occur.
 Change your Class Specification bookmark!
Contact: Ernie Briggs, (503) 378-8349

Facilities Division
General Services Building is located at 1225 Ferry St, Salem
General Services Building is located at 1225 Ferry St, Salem
The Planning and Construction Management section has been hard at work coordinating projects in many DAS buildings. Larger projects include construction of the new Health Lab in Hillsboro (for the departments of Environmental Quality and Human Services), and renovation of the Justice and General Services buildings.
As a reward for their patience, tenants of the General Services Building will enjoy several major improvements in their building. The renovated basement will include eight new conference rooms, including a staff break room. A new elevator is larger, with a smoother, more reliable ride and access to the basement. The first and second floors have new lobby areas and new carpeting throughout. Sustainable elements include carpet tiles that contain recycled content, which the state can return to the supplier as it replaces tiles.     
The division held a contest for building occupants to help name the new conference rooms. The tenant committee will review the names and make the selections. Once final touches are complete, any state agency on the Capitol Mall may schedule the conference rooms.
Contact: Bob Reitmajer, (503) 378-2865, ext. 293

State Data Center
Yellow trays holding fiber optic cable run along the top of server racks at the State Data Center
Server racks hold hundreds of servers at State Data Center
Consolidation Planning
With over 1,100 state agency servers now housed at the State Data Center, the center is launching various technology projects to support consolidation efforts. Prior to starting these projects, the State Data Center will evaluate the impact on agencies, cost-saving justification, project duration, and strategic and infrastructure alignment. Data center staff and management, in collaboration with the CNIC* Steering Committee, will monitor the progress of these projects to ensure standardization and consolidation of the software, hardware and processes that support the state's shared service infrastructure. 

Rates and Charge Back Model Implementation 
In February, the CNIC Governing Board approved a rate based model for the State Data Center, effective July 1, 2007. With this decision, the board will set rates according to usage, ensuring they are predictable and easy to understand. 
Revenue Department Director Elizabeth Harchenko led the effort in partnership with Bret West, DAS Operations Division Administrator, and Mark Reyer, State Data Center Administrator.
*Computing and Networking Infrastructure Consolidation

Contact: Barbara Jensen, (503) 378-6029

Operations Division
The Operations Division provides internal functions to the department including accounting, financial services, contracting, payroll, human resources, help desk, and application services.
Operations: Providing key services to DAS and its employees
The Operations Division Accounting unit recently received a rating of Gold Star for Excellence Award for excellence in financial reporting and meeting statewide accounting goals for accuracy and timeliness. DAS received the Gold Star for its contribution to the state’s annual financial report.
The Enterprise Application Services unit completed its move from the Revenue Building to the Executive Building and is now working on a new business model. The unit will transition from a fee-for-service model into an assessment-based model.
The Business Services unit will also move, from the Publishing and Distribution Building to the Executive Building. The move will be complete by the end of the month. Customers should not experience any interruption in service.
Contact: Bret West, (503) 378-2349, ext. 287

Budget and Management Division
Photo of the Oregon State Capitol
2007-09 Legislatively Adopted Budget
The Legislature is working through the 2007-09 budget proposals for all state agencies, and is on track for a June completion date. Overall, Oregon’s economy remains strong, which recent state revenue forecasts continue to reflect.
The Legislature is moving at a rapid pace. As of March 2, more than 20 percent of agency budgets have received approval by the Full Ways and Means committee. This is significantly faster than last session. The large General Fund agencies are still yet to come, and we are expecting a Co-chairs budget sometime before the end of March. As you proceed, please continue to keep your BAM analyst and Governor's policy advisor informed of budget developments.
Contact: George Naughton, (503) 378-5460

Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division
Information Security Resources
Based on recent statistics, the average unprotected computer can be compromised in a matter of minutes. The majority of individuals who thought their computers were safe ... were wrong. With the onslaught of new online threats such as identity theft and spyware, engaging in safe online behavior is crucial. We use computers in virtually every aspect of our lives and we must understand the risks, along with the steps we can take to help protect ourselves and our information online.
The Enterprise Security Office maintains a Publications and Resources Web page that can help computer users, both at work and at home, to use their systems as safely and securely as possible. In addition to a Top 10 Security Tips section, the page includes a Monthly Security Tips newsletter. Past issues have covered such topics as the importance of cyber security, staying safe on social networking sites, home computer safety tips, and protecting portable devices.

Contact: Theresa Masse, (503) 378-4896  
For more on the work of the Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division, see the State Controller's Division article, E-government section.

Oregon Health Policy and Research
A report on Oregon's Acute Care Hospitals for 2003-05 is now available online
The Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research has published its 2003-05 report on Oregon's Acute Care Hospitals.
The report covers key hospital trends in capacity, utilization and financial measures for the 57 acute care hospitals in the state. 
Contact: Jeanene Smith, (503) 373-1625

Thank You
The department values your input. What's Up at DAS will return next quarter with more news and information. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know. Thank you.

Links to Program Articles (alphabetical)

Budget & Management
EISPD (formerly IRMD)
Health Policy/Research
Human Resource Srvcs
Publishing & Distribution
Risk Management
State Controller
State Data Center
State Services Division
Surplus Property

What's Up at DAS Resources

Previous Editions
Division Newsletters
Page updated: June 15, 2007

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