Photo/Video Submission

The NWS Grand Junction Photo Gallery is an ongoing effort to showcase local weather photos, while educating the public about weather hazards and phenomena common to the Western Colorado and Eastern Utah area. This feature is mostly supported by donations of photos by local residents.  We are currently seeking images of all types of weather across the region. 

Please read the following before submitting any files to the National Weather Service.

The following is required(*) when submitting images:

- Photographer's name
- Photo title
- Photo subject
- Date photo was taken
- Express, written permission in your email stating that you are the rightful owner of the image,
   and that you release the image into the public domain (this means that your photo or video may
   be downloaded, copied and used by others).

What type of images will be accepted?

- digital image files (jpg, tif, png, gif, and bmp) - includes scanned images
- digital video files (avi, mov, mp4, mpeg, qt, rm, wmv)

NOTE: Links to images posted elsewhere on the Internet (i.e., other photo galleries) cannot be
accepted; only attached image files can be considered

By submitting images, you agree:

- that you are the rightful owner of the image
- that the submitted images can be used by National Weather Service in training presentations,
   printed materials, and NWS/NOAA Web sites
- any images with added caption or personal trademark will not be accepted
- the submitted images may be downloaded, copied, and used by others
- the images are selected based on uniqueness and appropriateness
- that not all images will be selected
- that images may be added to or removed from the on-line photo gallery from time to time
- that you may not receive a reply email or confirmation that your image has been selected
   for the photo gallery
- if we receive complaints of copyright infringement, the image in question will be immediately
   removed from NWS Web sites

Please email your photos/video with the required information to the Webmaster.  

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Grand Junction, CO Weather Forecast Office
  • 792 Eagle Drive
  • Grand Junction, CO 81506-8646
  • 970-243-7007
  • Page Author: GJT Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail:
  • Page last modified: June 12th 2008 9:38 PM is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.