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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 8/16/2007


The US has not recognized the interim government formed after the illegal coup of 5 December 2006.

Vice President  
Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, Commodore
Min. for Agriculture, Fisheries, & Forests Jainend KUMAR
Min. for Commerce, Industry, Investment, & Communications Taito WARADI
Min. for Education Netani SUKANAIVALU
Min. for Fijian Affairs, Heritage, Provincial Development, & Multiethnic Affairs Epeli GANILAU
Min. for Finance, National Planning, Public Enterprise, & Sugar Industry Mahendra Pal CHAUDHRY
Min. for Foreign Affairs & External Trade Epeli NAILATIKAU
Min. for Health Jona SENILAGAKALI
Min. for Home Affairs & Immigration Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, Commodore
Min. for Information Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, Commodore
Min. for Justice, Electoral Reform, & Anticorruption Aiyaz SAYED-KHAIYUM
Min. for Labor, Industrial Relations, Productivity, Tourism, & Environment Bernadette ROUNDS-GANILAU
Min. for Lands & Mineral Resources Tevita VUIBAU
Min. for Local Govt., Urban Development, & Public Utilities Jone NAVAKAMOCEA
Min. for Public Service & Public Sector Reform Poseci BUNE
Min. for Transport, Works, & Energy Manu KOROVULAVULA
Min. for Women, Social Welfare, & Housing Adi Laufitu MALANI
Min. for Youth, Sports, & Employment Opportunities Lekh Ram VAYESHNOI
Attorney General Aiyaz SAYED-KHAIYUM
Governor, Reserve Bank Savenaca NARUBE
Charge d'Affaires, Embassy, Washington Penijamini Ravulolo Tuikubulau LOMALOMA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York  

Posted: May 03, 2007 12:46 PM
Last Updated: Nov 05, 2007 02:26 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 12:46 PM

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