2007 Weather in Grand Junction

2007 started off on a cool note in Grand Junction, with January seeing a temperature departure of 3.5 degrees below normal. However that was the only month of the year that was colder than average. Every other month was warmer than normal, ranging from a monthly departure of just little over 0 so far in December to +4.9 degrees in July.

Only six days, five in January and one in December (so far), saw morning lows below zero in Grand Junction. The coldest morning was on January 15 when the thermometer dipped to -8° F. Nine days received triple digit high temperatures, seven of them in July and two in June. The hottest day of the year reached 103° F, occuring on July 2.

Although 2007 was a warm year, it was only the 29th warmest in Grand Junction since records began in 1893.

Grand Junction 2007 Monthly Temperature Departures* :
                                                  * Through December 20.

2007 began fairly dry, with average seasonal precipition values remaining below normal until September. During that month a series of thunderstorms brought rain to much of the last half of the month. A daily total of 1.09 inches fell on the 23rd. This amount was 120% of Septembers average rainfall, and contributed 55% to the monthly total. Dry conditions returned in October and worsened in November. Only 0.05 inches of rain fell during the latter month (and that was during the last few hours of the last day), making November 2007 the 9th driest November on record. Dry conditions affected not only the Grand Valley, but also a large portion of western Colorado and eastern Utah. This brought much concern about the low snowpack during the beginning of the snow season.

However, December has been very moist so far and has brought snowpack values above normal in all major river basins except for those in northeast Utah and northwest Colorado. As of the 20th, Grand Junction’s precipitation has been 1.88 inches (363% the monthly average) and brings our yearly total to 9.56 inches. The wettest December was in 1957 when 1.89 inches of precipitation fell. So, there’s a very good chance that this December will become the new wettest December on record in Grand Junction.

So, regardless of how much precipitation falls through the end of the month, Grand Junction will finish 2007 with above normal yearly precipitation.

Grand Junction 2007 Monthly Precipitation Departures* :

                                                   * Through December 20.

      Snowpack % of Normal (December 20, 2007)
River Basin Amount
Upper Colorado 100%
Gunnison 120%
Yampa/White   74%
Upper Rio Grande 149%
San Juan 142%
Green   47%
Duchesne   44%
SE Utah 149%

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  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Grand Junction, CO Weather Forecast Office
  • 792 Eagle Drive
  • Grand Junction, CO 81506-8646
  • 970-243-7007
  • Page Author: GJT Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-gjt.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 10-Jun-2008 4:22 PM UTC
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