Colorado Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week - Friday

Colorado Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week continues through Saturday. Lightning safety information provided this week will hopefully help you avoid any encounters with lightning. Todays statement discusses lightning injuries.
In Colorado cloud-to-ground lightning flashes occur nearly a half million times each year. With our population, millions of visitors each year, and many outdoor activities, it is not surprising that in Colorado an average of three people are killed each year, and 15 lightning injuries are reported. While any death is tragic and devastating to the family, injuries can be equally tragic and even more devastating to the family. For those who have a relative that suffers a significant disability from lightning, life changes forever. In addition to the physical pain and mental anguish suffered by the victim and the victim’s family, the incident may lead to a loss of income for the family. Over time, medical expenses for treatment may drain the family’s assets.
If someone is struck by lightning, it’s important that they receive the appropriate medical attention immediately. Some deaths can be prevented if the victims are attended to promptly. Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to handle. First, have someone call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service. Check to see that the victim is breathing and has a pulse, and continue to monitor the victim until help arrives. Cardiac arrest is the immediate cause of death in lightning fatalities. If necessary, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Also, if possible, move the victim to a safer place. Don’t let the rescuers become lightning victims. Lightning can strike the same place twice.
Lightning strike victims may face many mental challenges that they’ll have to live with for the rest of their lives. When the brain is affected by a lightning strike, the person often has difficulty with many of the mental processes that most people take for granted. The person may suffer from short-term memory loss, and may have difficulty mentally storing new information and accessing old information. Victims may often find it very difficult to carry on more than one task at a time, and may be easily distracted. Their personality may change and they may become easily irritated.
Victims often complain of becoming easily fatigued and may become exhausted after only a few hours of work. This may be because mental tasks that were once automatic may now require intense concentration to accomplish. Although some victims may sleep excessively at first, after a few weeks, many find it difficult to sleep more than two or three hours at a time.

Another common long-term problem for survivors is pain. Medically, pain is difficult to quantify. Lightning strike victims often suffer irreparable nerve damage from which they will suffer for the rest of their lives. The pain can be so intense that it affects the person’s ability to function. Many survivors complain of chronic headaches, some of which are very intense and debilitating.
It is important to remember that, while many lightning victims survive, their lives are changed forever, and their dreams for the future and those of their family will never be the same.
Lightning Strike and Electric Shock Survivors, International is a support group to individuals and families that are struggling with life after a lightning injury. Helpful information is available at their web address:
For additional information about lightning or lightning safety, visit NOAA’s Lightning Safety Awareness web site at:

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