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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 4/1/2008


President Mohamed Hosni MUBARAK
Prime Minister Ahmed Mohamed NAZIF
Min. of Agriculture & Land Reclamation Amin ABAZA
Min. of Awqaf (Religious Affairs) Mahmoud Hamdy ZAQZOUQ
Min. of Civil Aviation Ahmed SHAFIQ
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Tarek KAMEL
Min. of Culture Farouk HOSNI
Min. of Defense Mohamed Hussein TANTAWI, Fd. Mar.
Min. of Education Yousri El-GAMAL
Min. of Electricity & Energy Hassan Ahmed YOUNIS
Min. of Finance Youssef BOUTROS-GHALI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Ali ABOUL GHEIT
Min. of Foreign Trade & Industry Rachid Mohamed RACHID
Min. of Health & Population Hatem El-GABALI
Min. of Higher Education Hani HILAL
Min. of Housing, Utilities, & Urban Communities Ahmed El-MAGHRABI
Min. of Information Anas El-FIQQI
Min. of Interior Habib El-ADLY
Min. of International Cooperation Fayza ABOUL NAGA
Min. of Investment Mahmoud MOHIELDIN
Min. of Irrigation & Water Resources Mahmoud ABU ZEID
Min. of Justice Mamdouh MAREI
Min. of Legal Affairs & Parliamentary Councils Moufed Mahmoud SHEHAB
Min. of Local Development Abdel Salam al-MAHGOUB
Min. of Manpower & Immigration Aisha ABDEL HADI
Min. of Military Production Mohamed Hussein TANTAWI, Fd. Mar.
Min. of Petroleum Sameh FAHMY
Min. of Planning Osman Mohammed OSMAN
Min. of Public Business Sector Mokhtar KHATTAB
Min. of Social Security Ali MOSELHI
Min. of Tourism Mohamed Zoheir GARANA
Min. of Transport Mohamed Lotfi MANSOUR
Min. of State for Administrative Development Ahmed DARWISH
Min. of State for Economic Development Osman Mohammed OSMAN
Min. of State for Environment Affairs Maged GEORGE
Min. of State for Local Development Abdel-Rahim SHEHATA
Min. of State for Military Production Sayed MESHAL
Min. of State for Scientific Research Hani HILAL
Governor, Central Bank Farouk Abdel Baky El-OKDA
Ambassador to the US Nabil FAHMY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Maged ABDEL FATTAH

Posted: May 03, 2007 12:53 PM
Last Updated: Apr 04, 2008 12:40 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 12:53 PM

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