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Experimental ARPS Products for Florida

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Product Run Time [UTC]
Cloud Parameters 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
Temperature, Sea-Level Pressure and Wind 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
Convective Parameters 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
Fog Stability Index and Temp/Dewpoint Depression 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
Precipitation 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
Wind and *SLF Relative Crosswind 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21
*SLF = Shuttle Landing Facility, Runway 15

Note: These are experimental products and the timely receipt of products is not guaranteed. Not intended for protection of life or property.

About the SMG run of the Advance Regional Prediction System

SMG is currently running ARPS Version 5.1.5.

The Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) performed a study to recommend possible hardware configurations to support mesoscale modeling using the ARPS model.  In order to best utilize the ARPS forecast model for SMG�s operational needs, it was determined that SMG needed to take advantage of the Message Passage Interface (MPI) features of ARPS (the �arps_mpi� program).  SMG purchased a Beowulf LINUX PC Cluster to support the modeling effort (see Table 1 for the cluster�s hardware specifications).  In addition to the network interface described in Table 1, SMG also purchased a Dolphin Wulfkit Interface and the SCALI software needed to utilize the faster communications of the Wulfkit interface.  The cluster is currently running the Red Hat Linux 7.3 operating system.
Table 1.  Beowulf Linux PC Cluster Specifications
  Master Node Slave Nodes
Quantity 1 17
CPU Dual Intel Pentium III 1.26 GHz Dual Intel Pentium III 1.26 GHz
RAM 1 GB 512 MB
Hard Drive 120 GB 120 GB
Network 1 GB Ethernet 100 Base T


The original goal for the implementation of the ARPS forecast model was to provide a 12-hour forecast every 3-hours at 3-km resolution over most of Florida.  However, testing of various ARPS configurations on the SMG cluster indicated that this goal was not achievable.  SMG is currently configured to produce a 9-hour forecast every 3-hours at 4-km resolution over the same domain as the ADAS analysis.  This forecast run takes nearly 3 hours to complete.  In order to obtain a forecast in a timely enough fashion, it was determined that the �arps_mpi� runs have to use 35 processors, with 7 processors in the x-direction and 5 processors in the y-direction.  These parameters, along with many other forecast parameters, are all configurable in the ARPS input file that is read in by the �arps_mpi� program.  The ability to rapidly reconfigure the ARPS model run is a significant improvement of ARPS 5.x over previous versions that forced the selection of grid dimensions at compilation.

The ARPS model runs currently use the "warm-start" ADAS initialization.  For example, the 03 UTC ARPS model run uses the 0300 UTC ADAS as the initialization, the 09 UTC ARPS model run uses the 0900 UTC ADAS, etc. 

Long Range Goals

  • Increase the domain, resolution, and frequency of the ARPS model. (Need more cluster!!)
  • Configure the ARPS model to run over one or both of SMG's other CONUS landing sites:  Edwards AFB, California and/or Northrup Strip White Sands Space Harbor, New Mexico.
  • Produce comparisons of SMG ARPS model runs with MLB's ARPS model runs.
  • Produce "real time" verification of the ARPS model with surface observations and possibly radar and/or satellite data.

SMG appreciates the invaluable assistance of Jon Case (NASA KSC/AMU), Dan Weber (CAPS), Ming Xue (CAPS), Keith Brewster (CAPS), Kelvin Droegemeir (CAPS), Mike Eilts (Warning Decision Technologies), John Carpenter (WDT), and Gene Bassett (WDT).  The implementation of the prototype ADAS would have been impossible without Jon Case�s hard work.  CAPS and WDT provided SMG advice and assistance in understanding the ARPS model and developing a usable operational configuration.

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For questions, comments, or feedback regarding SMG's ARPS model efforts, send email to SMG Webmaster.

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National Weather Service
Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Page last modified: 25 May 2005