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FY95 Great Lakes Program Priorities and Funding Process


This document contains project summaries for Great Lakes projects funded by the Great Lakes National Program Office and Regions 2, and 5 in Federal Fiscal Year 1995. The summaries are brief descriptions of projects based on the proposals submitted to, and approved by, USEPA. Since the date awards were made, there have been numerous changes in projects and in project contacts. In many cases, final reports have been completed. More current information is also available for some projects in the following documents:

USEPA Contacts for Projects
Contaminated Sediments Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)
Pollution Prevention Elizabeth LaPlante (312-353-2694)
Danielle Green (312-886-7594)
Habitat Protection/restoration Karen Holland (312-353-2690)
Monitoring Glenn Warren (312-886-2405)
Education/outreach Anthony Kizlauskas (312-353-8773)
Information Management Pranas Pranckevicius (312-353-3437)
State Capacity Michael Russ (312-886-4013)
General LaMP/RAP Activities Mark Elster (312-886-3857)
Region 2 Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3948)
Region 5 Gene Wojcik (312-886-0174)

We may also be contacted via e-mail using the convention:


Contaminated Sediments - Erie

Contaminated Sediment Support for Clinton River and Trenton Channel, Michigan (DW96947740-01-0: $225,000)
IAG with Corps of Engineers to support MiDNR
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

The goal of this project is to conduct sediment assessments and provide technical assistance in pursuit of sediment remediation for two Michigan waterways: Clinton River and Trenton Channel. Comprehensive assessments of the sediments within specific areas of the river and channel will be completed in order to further define locations of extensive contamination.

Subbottom Profiling of Trenton Channel, Detroit River
(DW96947730-01-0: $25,040.19)
Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Officer: Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)

This is a joint effort with Large Lakes Research Station and the Army Corps of Engineers to examine the utility of acoustical profiling to map the 3-dimensional physical properties of bottom sediments. Once developed such a technique can be used to assist both in the assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments by providing information on sediment type as well as providing volume estimates of selected sediment deposits. This technology was tested on the Trenton Channel with plans to use it at other Great lakes AOCs if proven successful.

Contaminated Sediments of the Trenton Channel
(GL985207-01: $125,000)
Recipient: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)

The Trenton Channel has been distinguished as containing the most contaminated sediments of the Detroit River AOC. This project will encompass site selection and treatment evaluation of sediment remedial technologies and their applicability to Trenton Channel sites. Work will be carried out cooperatively with efforts of the Essex Region Conservation Authority, Essex, Ontario.

Area of Concern - Reference Site Sediment Characterization
(GL985203-01-0: $110,000)
Recipient: OEPA
Project officer: Rick Fox (312-353-7979)

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will assess reference sites for physical and chemical characteristics within four Ohio Lake Erie Areas of Concern from it's three ecoregions. This information will be used to determine how much contamination originates from discrete, upstream or "background" sources. This information will also aid in determining clean-up levels and "no action" recovery times.

Contaminated Sediments - Huron

Contaminated Sediment Support for Saginaw River, Michigan
(DW 96947741-01-0: $57,000)
IAG with Corps of Engineers to support MDNR
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

This IAG will focus on providing sediment data management and technical assistance in pursuit of sediment remediation for the Saginaw River, Michigan. The goal of the project is to develop a GIS system which will provide a means for importing, analyzing and reporting contaminated sediment sampling data. This will involve the compilation of all previously collected sediment sampling data in digital or hardcopy form and the transfer of this data into a standard database format.

Use of Congener-Specific PCBs to Distinguish Among Sources of PCBs Input Into the Saginaw River and Bay
(GL985191-01-0: $101,353)
Recipient: University of Michigan
Project officer: Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)

This project will be used to generate and provide information on riverine and atmospheric transport of PCBs to the Saginaw River and Bay system. This study will assist in delineating the sources of PCBs in the Saginaw River by determining where major concentrations of PCBs exist in the Saginaw River watershed, how they are transported during rain events, and whether airborne PCBs represent a substantial input to the watershed.

Contaminated Sediments - Michigan

Waukegan Harbor AOC Use Impairment Reassessment 1995 utilizing Fish, Water, and Sediment Data
(GL 985226-01-0: $100,000)
Recipient: IEPA
Project Officer: Rick Fox (312-353-7979)

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Waukegan Citizen's Advisory Group (CAG) will conduct a site assessment using fish, water, and sediment in the Waukegan Harbor. This reassessment is necessary to determine the current use impairments existing in the harbor since the Waukegan Harbor Superfund action, which removed the majority of PCBs (the principle chemicals of concern) from the harbor sediments.

Design and Engineering of a Contaminated Sediment Remedial Option in the Lower Fox River
(GL985130-01; $100,000)
Recipient: WDNR
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

The objective of this cost-shared project will be to accomplish the final pre-remedial activity including engineering design, plans and specifications and development of bidding documents necessary to remove, treat and/or isolate a mass of PCBs in the Lower Fox River. Costs for this efforts will be shared with the industrial and municipal participants in the Fox River Coalition, a public/private partnership group working to remediate PCB-contaminated sediments in the Fox River.

FY95 Fox River Sediment Assessment
(GL985143-01; $135,000)
Recipient: WDNR
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

This project will provide the data needed to resolve the uncertainties with the current PCB data and, therefore, will advance the remediation of the contaminated sediments in the Lower Fox River. This project also implements a Green Bay RAP recommendation for characterization of the Lower Fox River contaminated sediments. Sediment samples will be collected with the R/V Mudpuppy, a USEPA vessel, from approximately 100 stations in the Fox River.

Contaminated Sediments - Ontario

Eastern Lake Ontario Drainage Basin Sediment Study
(GL985137-01-0: $314,004)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Diane Dennis-Flagler (312-886-4012)

The intent of this study is to evaluate sediments, including those previously identified as contaminated in the Eastern Lake Ontario drainage basin. Emphasis will be accorded to the validation of suspect data included on the National Sediment Inventory and the study of contaminated sediment deposits identified as impacting water quality by the NYSDEC Priority Water Problem list. Included in the this study as part of the sediment assessment of the basin will be bioacculation tests using Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaeta) to assess uptake of nonpolar organic chemicals, metals and other sediment associated contaminants.

Contaminated Sediments -- Base Program
(GL002967-03I: $444,900)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Maintain Great Lakes contaminated sediments inventory and prioritized list of contaminated sites. Recommend site remediations to divisions and agencies dealing with contaminated sediments. Monitor dredging projects for impacts on Great Lakes waters.

Lake Ontario Sediment Sampling
(GL002967-03J: $137,950)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Collect 2 cores in each of the Lake Ontario depositional zones of the Black, Oswego, and Genesee Rivers. Document historical trends of toxics inputs from tributaries. Evaluate present significance of inputs to prioritize trackdown activities. Cooperative effort with Environment Canada (EC): EC will collect the cores and NYSDEC will analyze them.

Contaminated Sediments - Superior

Survey and Mitigation of Mercury in Sediment Contamination for Six Reservoirs on the Lower St. Louis River (Phases I & II).
(GL985025-01-0: $200,000)
Recipient: Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
Project officer: Rick Fox (312-353-7979)

The Fond du Lac Reservation will undertake a study to further assess mercury contamination in sediments and to investigate potential mitigation of the mercury contamination. Previous work (funded by GLNPO and Region 5) show that mercury is at high concentrations in surfaces sediments. Prior to this, it was thought that mercury contamination was being buried. This study will further assess the extent of mercury contamination in sediment and benthos in six reservoirs, investigate mercury bioaccumulation mechanisms, and test specific field methods to reduce the uptake and bioaccumulation of mercury in fish.

Sediment Remediation Scoping Project for the M.L. Hibbard Power Generating Plant Site in the St. Louis River Area of Concern (MPCA Cluster GL985131-01; $100,000)
Recipient: MPCA
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

Sediments in the inlets north and south of the M.L. Hibbard coal-powered electricity generation plant have been identified as being highly contaminated by previous GLNPO/MPCA investigations. Restoration of the area as a high-quality wetland is of interest tot he Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. This project will assess remediation scenarios for sediments adjacent to the plant. The assessment will include an analysis of current data, possible augmentation of that data, mapping of sediment contamination areas, evaluation if remedial options, and identification of potentially responsible parties.

Design of a Sediment Treatment Plant at the Duluth-Superior Harbor Erie Pier Confined Disposal Facility
(GL985132-01; $92,000)
Recipient: University of Minnesota-Duluth
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

As originally envisioned, this project was designed to characterize the sediment contamination and grain size distribution within the Erie Pier Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), with the intent of developing a process that could be used to remove substantial quantities of sediment from the facility through their treatment in a particle-separation process that would render them suitable for less restricted disposal (e.g., construction fill, beach nourishment, etc.). Investigations by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, principal users of the CDF, revealed in late 1995 that the materials in the CDF appear to be far less contaminated than initially believed and less amenable to treatment than hoped. The project is currently being re-scoped to investigate potential disposal options for sediments as removed from the CDF, in order to provide capacity in the CDF for disposal of contaminated sediments that may be removed from non-navigation channel areas of the Duluth-Superior AOC.

Contaminated Sediments - Multiple Lakes

IAGLR Annual Meeting
( GL985076-01-0--$10,000)
Recipient: IAGLR
Project Officer: Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)

This project provided funding support for the 38th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research. The meeting was held in E. Lansing, Michigan in May, 1995.

Evaluation of the Variability in the USEPA Freshwater Sediment Toxicity and Bioaccumulation Methods
(0824161-01: $20,000)
Recipient: Wright State University
Project Officer: Marc Tuchman (312-353-1369)

This is a jointly funded project with EPA Headquarters to assess and evaluate the intra- and inter-laboratory variation in freshwater sediment toxicity tests. Both acute and chronic toxicity and bioaccumulation testing using freshwater organisms will be assessed in round-robin testing. The output of this project will be a comprehensive evaluation and documentation of the variation in these tests which help define the usefulness of these methods in compliance monitoring and site assessment.

Costs and Benefits of Cleaning Up Contaminated Sediments in Great Lakes Areas of Concern
(GL985062-01; $61,463)
Recipient: University of Wisconsin Sea Grant
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

This project will develop a systematic mathematical model that clearly describes and integrates the cost, performance and effectiveness of selected processes for sediment remediation. This mathematical model development is part of a multi-institutional project to develop a methodology, framework, tools and provide training in estimating the costs and benefits of sediment remediation in the Great Lakes AOCs. The Great Lakes Protection Fund has awarded grants for the project to the Universities of Wisconsin-Madison, Minnesota-Duluth, Windsor, and Wisconsin-Green Bay.



Pollution Prevention/Virtual Elimination/Clean Sweeps - Michigan Indiana Lake Michigan Basin Counties Pesticides Clean Sweep (GL985133-01-0: $50,000)
Recipient: Purdue University
Project Officer: Edward Master

The Indiana Great Lakes Basin Counties Clean Sweep is a pollution prevention program with its goal being the elimination of agricultural pesticides finding their way into the waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. Many farmers and agricultural chemical dealers, to this day, have in their possession canceled, suspended, or unwanted pesticides. The Office of the Indiana State Chemist (OISC) will set up collection dates in each of two targeted counties: Lake and DeKalb. The OISC will contract with a qualified hazardous waste disposal firm to take control of, transport, and dispose of all pesticides that will be brought to the collection site.

Pollution Prevention/Virtual Elimination/Clean Sweeps - Ontario Rochester Embayment Mercury Pollution Prevention (GL985142-01-0: $61,000)
Recipient: Monroe County Department of Health
Project Officer: Danielle Green (312-886-7594)

A pilot study will be conducted in one medical center and at one dental center to identify, quantify, and evaluate existing and potential cost-effective mercury pollution prevention opportunities. The expected outcome of this program will be identifying the potential for reducing the mercury discharges to wastewater and to air in the Rochester Embayment watershed. This project will share successes and failures with the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District and the National Wildlife Federation both during and after the project.

Great Lakes Mercury Sources Inventory and Pollution Prevention
(GL992375-01: $90,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Alice Yeh (212-637-3702)

Identify sources of mercury in New York's Great Lakes basin. Recommend pollution prevention plans to significant sources identified, in order to achieve reductions in mercury inputs to Lake Ontario.

Impacts of Pollution Prevention
(GL992106-02: $72,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Alice Yeh (212-637-3702)

Direct future pollution prevention efforts by assessing the impact of past efforts. Make pollution prevention recommendation to New York Great Lakes basin facilities that are significant sources of priority toxic chemicals.

Erie County Clean Sweep Projects Expansion -- 1996
(X002728-02: $90,000)
Recipient: Erie County
Project Officer: Alice Yeh (212-637-3702)

Establish the Clean Sweep program at three more counties in the New York Great Lakes basin for collection and proper disposal of unused agricultural pesticides. To date, Erie County has introduced Clean Sweep programs to 8 counties, resulting in approximately 47,000 lbs of pesticides collected and properly disposed. Provide a final analysis of each Clean Sweep's effectiveness.

Pollution Prevention/Virtual Elimination/Clean Sweeps - Superior

Mercury Reduction Through Treatment Chemical Selection
(Cluster Grant GL985131-01-0: $35,000)
Recipient: MPCA
Project Officer: Danielle Green

Mercury is one of the critical pollutants that limits fish consumption on the Great Lakes. The purpose of this project is to reduce mercury that may be reaching Lake Superior through cooling water and effluents from power plants, boilers, and other facilities. The proposed strategy is to switch from high mercury to low mercury chemical feedstocks such as caustic soda and sulfuric acid.

Mercury Zero Discharge Pilot Project
(GL985121-01-0: $100,000)
Recipient: Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Project Officer: Danielle Green (312-886-7594)

The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District supports the goal of zero discharge of persistent bioacculmulative toxics within the basin and believes zero discharge is a stepwise process that can be approached by working with customers to eliminate use of and sources of mercury. The project will develop an integrated multi-media program to reduce the discharge of mercury, a bioaccumulative toxic, using "front end" pollution prevention techniques with hospitals, clinics, educational institutions, laboratories, and dental practices.

Pollution Prevention/Virtual Elimination/Clean Sweeps - Multiple Lakes

Mercury Reduction and Pollution Prevention in Hospitals
(GL985135-01-0: $41,350)
Recipient: National Wildlife Federation
Project Officer: Danielle Green (312-886-7594)

This project will organize one or more hands-on educational workshops with the goal of reducing and eliminating mercury use in hospitals. The purposes of these workshops are twofold:

1) Collaboration and up-front planning with hospital staff; and

2) Identify all hospital sources of mercury, determine the viability and availability of alternatives and give hospital administrators options for making the right choices.

Pollution prevention will be accomplished by reducing the discharge of mercury from hospitals into both wastewater treatment plants and medical waste incinerators.

U.S.-Canada Binational Virtual Elimination Strategy
(GL995563-01-3: $23,480)
Recipient: Environment Canada
Project Officer: Elizabeth LaPlante (312-353-2694)

The purpose of this project is to implement a public participation strategy for the purpose of receiving public comment and input on the virtual elimination strategy. This funding will be used for one public meeting, hiring a consultant to organize and facilitate the meeting, and various outreach activities. The binational virtual elimination strategy proposed an intensive education and outreach program in the Great Lakes Region of both the U.S. and Canada.

Mercury Reduction in Medical Waste
($15,000: GL995793-01-0)
Recipient: Purdue University
Project Officer: Glynis Zwicki (312-886-4571)

The recipient will produce an environmental software program (in a windows format) to educate hospital administrators and staff about the health hazards associated with mercury. The program will: identify mercury-containing equipment used in the medical setting; offer suggestions for alternative products; describe proper disposal and spill clean-up procedures.



Habitat Protection/Restoration - Erie

Cuyahoga River RAP Riparian Zone Restoration
(GL985134-01-0: $156,540)
Recipient: Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization
Project Officer: Karen Holland (312-353-2690)

The Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization will reestablish a riparian corridor, re-establish natural community types using indigenous plant species, create new partnerships among private landowners, public agencies, and stakeholder organizations, demonstrate a new approach in coordination of the project, and educate the public to ensure long term success.

Hamilton Lake (Fish Creek) Watershed Land Treatment
(GL995954-03: $44,220)
Recipient: Indiana DNR & Stuben County SWCD
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312) 353-3503

Fish Creek, a tributary to the Maumee River in the Lake Erie basin, contains one of the richest assemblages of fresh water mussels in the world. Thirty one species are present including three that are endangered. It is the only location where one of the endangered species is known to survive. Hamilton Lake is a 700 acre natural impoundment on Fish Creek. Project funds are being used to support a partnership of federal, state and local organizations which is working with land owners to install management practices which control sediment, nutrients and other pollutants within the 110 square mile watershed. This assistance brings GLNPO's total contribution for this project to $294,800.

Habitat Protection/Restoration - Huron

Establishment of Native Plants/Habitat on Lake Huron
(DW929477-01-0: $75,000)
Recipient: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Project Officer: Richard Greenwood (312-886-3853)

This habitat restoration project will establish and demonstrate the techniques required to restore native habitat to lakeshore areas which were previously in commercial/industrial use. Three parks owned by the City of Rogers City, Michigan on Lake Huron will be the sites for this restoration project. Included will be the development of methods of propagating native plants from the area. Natural plant communities will be identified, samples collected, and native plants propagated and planted.

Habitat Protection/Restoration - Michigan

Pigeon River Biodiversity Maintenance and Restoration
(GL985125-01: $78,486)
Recipient: InDNR, Division of Nature Preserves
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312-353-3503)

The recipient will prepare a strategic plan for restoration and maintenance of biodiversity in the Pigeon River ecosystem. The Pigeon River watershed contains areas rich in biodiversity as recognized in the Nature Conservancy 1994 report on the Great Lakes. Major tasks supported by this grant include assembly of existing information on the hydrology and biology of the area; gathering additional biological/ecological information; and integration and analysis of the information.

Critical Habitat Protection in the Fox-Wolf Basin
(GL985124-01-0: $50,000)
Recipient: Fox-Wolf Basin 2000, Inc.
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312-353-3503)

The project will create a locally based entity that can receive ownership or other interests in land that is ecologically important, but which may not be of a scale that is attractive to statewide or national conservancy organizations. The project includes assembly of information on critical and high quality habitat within the region; and contact with land owners to provide assistance in arranging protective agreements, dedications or purchases. The Fox-Wolf basin is tributary to Green Bay of Lake Michigan.

Restoration of Habitat for the Endangered Karner Blue Butterfly in the Illinois Beach State Park Project (IAG)
(DW14947739-01: $18,000)
Recipient: U.S. FWS Chicago Field Office
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312) 353-3503

The native wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) within the Illinois Beach State Park (IBSP) will be mapped, evaluated and restored as a critical step in restoring the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis). Restoration activities will include removal of invasive brush and trees. When recovery of the lupine is sufficient for IBSP to be given priority by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for reintroduction of the butterfly, larvae will be obtained and released. Sites in the park are uniquely well suited for this endangered species and the objective is to support local populations of the butterfly as part of a regional mega-site along Lake Michigan extending into Wisconsin.

Great Marsh Wetland Habitat Restoration
(GL985140-01-0: $64,805)
Recipient: Indiana University
Project Officer: Karen Holland

Indiana University will assist Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in restoring disturbed portions of the Great Marsh. The project objectives are to determine hydrology for the present Dunes Creek and Derby Ditch watersheds of the Great Marsh, implement a pilot wetland restoration for which physical and biological factors will be investigated, demonstrate the effects that hydrology has on the vegetation composition, investigate sedimentation rates which reflect land use both on National Lakeshore lands and on lands within the watershed which are the source areas for runoff, and formulate recommendations based on the findings for expanded restoration and management of the Great Marsh ecosystem and other similar wetland habitats.

Develop atlas of biodiversity of Chicago region & materials for start-up
(GL985200-01-0: $10,000 GLNPO/$25,000 OPPE)
Recipient: Illinois Office of The Nature Conservancy
Project Officer: Karen Holland (312-353-2690)

The Chicago Region Biodiversity project supports two activities: preparation of an atlas of biodiversity of the Chicago region; and development of materials for the "rollout" or full scale announcement of the very large partnership effort by more than 30 organizations. The overall purpose is to provide coordination of activities that address biodiversity and to increase public awareness of the rich, but disappearing resources of this biological region.

Habitat Protection and Restoration at Grand Calumet Preserves, Indiana
(GL985066-0: $40,000)
Recipient: The Nature Conservancy
Project Officer: Richard Greenwood (312-886-3853)

The project includes construction of a fence at Hoosier Prairie/Gaylord II Tract; and restoration, educational, outreach and stewardship activities at the Ivanhoe Nature Preserve. Restoration will involve removing trash and addressing the spread of exotic species. Efforts to expand habitat for Karner Blue butterflies will include removing young oak trees from several sand dunes.

White Lake Area of Concern Habitat Assessment
(GL985147-01-0: $40,680)
Recipient: Lake Michigan Federation
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

This grant will increase public knowledge of the White Lake area habitat through the creation of a plant and wildlife inventory, habitat map and educational video focused on the value of local biodiversity for fish and wildlife populations and water quality.

Turn-A-Lot Around
(GL985202-01-0: $20,000)
Recipient: Resource Center
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

The Resource Center will use this assistance to provide environmental and business education opportunities for city-dwelling children while restoring vacant lots to native seed gardens. The results of this grant will be the establishment of an Ecology Club at the Chicago Housing Development, Stateway Gardens. The participants in the Ecology Club will receive summer employment to clean vacant lots on Stateway Gardens property and develop those areas into permanent native seed gardens. The students will additionally study ways to market the seeds for profit and make the program financially self-sustaining.

Oak Savanna/Karner Blue Butterfly Investigations
(DW14947694-01-1: $74,000)
Recipient: National Biological Survey (NBS), Great Lakes Center
Project Officer: Karen Holland (312-353-7996)

This additional assistance allows NBS to continue work to define the oak savanna community and assist future restoration efforts by improving our understanding of this endangered ecosystem. They will also investigate the use of this habitat type by the endangered Karner Blue butterfly and the implications for management.

Habitat Protection/Restoration - Ontario

Sandy Pond Peninsula Protection and Restoration
(GL985129-01: $55,257)
Recipient: The Nature Conservancy - Midwest Regional Office (Central and Western New York Chapter)
Project Officer: Robert Beltran (312-353-0826)

The project seeks to restore and protect a mile-long section of the barrier beach that separates North Sandy Pond (a large bay) from Lake Ontario. It enables the recipient to channel foot traffic while providing public access via dune cross-over structures and appropriate signage. It also employs an educational initiative to help instill stewardship values in area residents and other site users. Together, these measures are intended to protect the fragile dunes and wetlands important to nesting and resting for numerous shorebirds.

Habitat Protection/Restoration - Superior

Control of Harmful Fish Through Natural Spawning Pheromone Attractants
(GL985189-0: $70,000)
Recipient: Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
Project Officer: Richard Greenwood (312-886-3853)

Introduction of exotic species have resulted in significant impacts to Great Lakes aquatic resources. This habitat protection and restoration project to control the Eurasian ruffe and the common carp, will be conducted in the St. Louis River estuary, Lake Superior by the Fond du Lac Natural Resources Program and Ceded Territory Biologist, the National Biological Service, and the College of Fisheries and Wildlife-University of Minnesota/St. Paul. The project goal is to determine and implement an effective control method for ruffe and carp through the use of reproductive pheromones to supplement other control measures to prevent or significantly slow the further expansion of these harmful exotic species. Methodologies developed could be applied basin-wide.

Habitat Protection and Restoration in the Lake Superior Basin
(GL985189-0: $70,000)
Recipient: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Richard Greenwood (312-886-6853)

The Minnesota of Department of Natural Resources will coordinate and implement Lake Superior Binational Program and Lake Superior Work Group habitat restoration and protection efforts. Important habitat areas in the Lake Superior Basin will be identified, described, and appropriate management activities identified and implemented. Partnerships, stewardship activities, and public information and involvement, will be fostered for these Lake Superior habitat and restoration initiatives.

Bad River/Kakagon Watershed Management Project
Bad River Band of Lake Superior
Project Officer: Karen Holland (312-353-2690)

The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians will facilitate sound ecosystem planning and management in the Bad River Watershed and Kakagon Sloughs by conducting biological inventories to identify baseline conditions, managing collected data, collaborating with other agencies and stakeholders to maintain ecosystem health, and educating Tribal and non-tribal publics about the natural resources of the sloughs and watershed. The effort will enhance protection by producing biomonitoring plans, assisting with the Tribe's Integrated Resources Management Plan, educating the Tribe and non-tribal public about the resources, and encouraging other organizations and individuals to undertake similar actions.

Habitat Protection/Restoration - Multiple Basins

Restoration of Great Lakes Coastal Habitats
(GL985180-01-0: $40,000)
Recipient: The Nature Conservancy
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

The Michigan Chapter of The Nature Conservancy will use this assistance to protect and maintain ecologically significant open dune, interdunal wetlands and alvar grassland communities and the threatened and endangered plants and animals that reside in four Michigan nature preserves. The grant will accomplish the protection goals be reclaiming habitat from alien plant species distributions, determining distributions of key elements in relations to alien plant species distributions, developing and field-testing new biological management techniques and establishing local volunteer preserve committees. (Huron & Michigan Basins.)

Michigan's Upper Peninsula Native Plant Demonstration Area
(GL985160-01-0: $16,350)
Recipient: Upper Peninsula RC&D Council
Project Officer: Callie Bolattino (312-353-3490)

The Upper Peninsula Resource Conservation & Development Council will use this assistance to increase public knowledge on the potential for use of native plants in ecosystem planning, habitat restoration and ornamental plantings within the region. The results of this grant will be the development of a native plant demonstration area which will include walking trails and plant information stations. Currently, over 600 school children a year tour the area in which the native plant demonstration project is to be added. (Michigan & Superior Basins.)

Develop Great Lakes Imperiled Species Information
(Total of $225,000)

  • Minnesota DNR (GL985187-01-0: $20,000)
  • Wisconsin DNR (GL985190-01-0: $20,000)
  • The Nature Conservancy (Michigan) (GL985181-01-0: $20,000)
  • Illinois DNR (GL985183-01-0: $20,000)
  • Indiana DNR (GL985184-01-0: $20,000)
  • Ohio DNR (GL985185-01-0: $20,000)
  • The Nature Conservancy (New York) (GL985186-01-0: $20,000)
  • Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (GL985182-01-0: $20,000)
  • The Nature Conservancy (Eastern PA) (GL985179-01-0: $20,000)
  • The Nature Conservancy (GL States) (GL985178-01-0: $40,000)

Project Officer: John Schneider, (312-886-0880)

Following up on a 1991 USEPA grant of almost $65,000 to The Nature Conservancy/Midwest Heritage Task Force, in FY95 GLNPO issued a cluster of 10 grants in the 8 Great Lakes states. The purpose of these grants is to assist the states in their ability to manage biodiversity data electronically. This will assist them in assessing imperilled species information on an ecosystem basis.

State Wetlands Protection Program
(CD985010-01: $354,090)
Recipient: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Carolyn Bury

Biological Criteria Survey for the Rouge River
(X985208-01: $20,000)
Recipient: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

Wetland technical assistance to the 10 tribes in Michigan
(CD985017-01: $57,370)
Recipient: Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan
Project Officer: Janice Cheng

The Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan (MITC) will assist the Bay Mills Indian Community and the Keweenaw Management Plans. MITC's goal is to eventually develop wetland management strategies for all the Michigan Tribes that request their assistance. The strategies will include the identification, preservation, and management of wetlands on reservations. MITC will also produce a reference document that outlines the wetland regulatory program and how it applies to Native American Tribes.

Wetland Protection and Conservation Ordinance
(CD985014-01: $50,000)
Recipient: Grand Portage Reservation
Project Officer: Janice Cheng

The Grand Portage Reservation will develop a Wetland Proection and Conservation Ordinance for the reservation that includes regulatory ad non-regulatory approaches to wetland protection. A wetland conservation task force will be established to draft the ordinance. The ordinance will ensure that valuable wetland areas are fully protected. A wetland technician will perform wetland delineations and evaluations on approximately 20 percent of the reservation (2,000 acres). Sections of land most at risk due to development will be the primary focus.

Monitoring Wetland Permit Activity in the Northwest and North Central Districts of Wisconsin
(CD985063-01: $308,571)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Catherine Garra

The grant will be used to develop a wetland database for 22 counties in the Northwest and North Central Districts of Wisconsin, based on the Wisconsin Wetland Inventory Maps, including the lake Superior shoreline. Information in the database will include 401 water quality certification decisions and 401/404 enforcement violations. WDNR will perform a programmatic evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses associated with the implementation of wetland water quality standards in the study area, and suggest specific improvements.

Improve Wetlands Protection in Wisconsin through Strengthened Shoreland Zoning Standards
(CD985063-01: $62,354)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Catherine Garra

The grant will examine the scientific basis for existing State regulatory program criteria on lands bordering lakes in Wisconsin, including Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. It will clarify ambiguous or difficult standards, document the impact of shoreland and near shore development and articulate the benefit to Wisconsin's environment and economy from effective shoreland zoning administration.



Monitoring - Erie

Atmospheric Monitoring in Lake Erie
(GL995239-03-2: $7,705)
Recipient: OEPA
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

Operation and maintenance of an IADN site on Lake Erie.

Atmospheric Monitoring in Lake Erie
(GL995488-01-1: $11,780.32)
Recipient: SUNY Research Foundation
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

Operation and maintenance of Sturgeon Point IADN site on Lake Erie.

Monitoring - Michigan

MDNR Lake Michigan Mass Balance Air and Water Monitoring Workshop
(Gl995381-01-4: $15,000 Federal Share - Amends State Capacity Grant)
Recipient: Michigan DNR
Project Officer: Mark Elster (312-886-3857)

MDNR will hold a workshop which will bring together key process researchers and air and water modeling experts from the US and Canada. This workshop will facilitate exchange of information and ideas between various areas of expertise and will result in a document directing the air-water model linkages to be used in the Lake Michigan Mass Balance model.

Mercury Measurement for LMMB
(GL995569-01-2: $69,912 GLNPO/$43,572 R5 Water)
Recipient: University of Michigan
Project Officer: Dave Anderson (312-353-2015)

The University of Michigan will continue collection and analysis of samples for vapor-phase, particle-phase and precipitation mercury in support of the LMMB. The Recipient will provide an analysis of the data including estimates of the atmospheric loadings of total mercury to Lake Michigan and source receptor modeling.

Preparation of XAD-2 Sampling Columns and Analysis of Open-lake Water Column Samples in Support of LMMB
(IAG # DW89947684-1: $600,000)
Recipient: Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory (DOE)
Project Officer: David Anderson (312-353-2025)

This award continues laboratory support for LMMB open-lake monitoring. It covers the preparation of sampling equipment and the analytical chemistry for two of the LMMB target parameters, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and trans-nonachlor.

Food Chain Studies & Contaminant Analysis in Support of LMMB
(IAG # DW14947692-01-1: $540,878)
Recipient: National Biological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center
Project Officer: Paul Bertram (312-353-0153)

Assistance continues for this multi-part IAG for biological information for the LMMB. The data obtained through this effort will subsequently be used to develop or calibrate components of the food web model for the transport of contaminants from water to the top predator fish in Lake Michigan. Included are project elements for: 1) collection of lake trout and forage fish for contaminant analysis; 2) chemical analysis of contaminants in lake trout, coho salmon, and forage fish; 3) assessment of lake trout and forage fish diets; and 4) determination of coho salmon growth rates.

Collection of Coho Salmon for Contaminant Analysis and Determination of Coho Salmon Diet for LMMB
(IAG # DW14947693-01-1: $79,539)
Recipient: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI)
Project Officer: Paul Bertram (312-353-0153)

Funding continues for this LMMB project to collect coho salmon for contaminant analysis and to determine coho food habits. This effort will provide important information about one of the three target fish species identified in the LMMB Work Plan. The contaminant burden and diet information will subsequently be used to develop a model to describe contaminant flow through the Lake Michigan food web to coho salmon.

The Collection and Analysis of Total Mercury in the Water Column of Lake Michigan
(GL995593-01-1: $24,182/GL995593-02-0: $69,930)
Recipient: University of Maryland
Project Officer: Glenn Warren (312) 886-2405

Assistance for this LMMB project is continued for analysis of total mercury in Lake Michigan lakewater samples. Clean techniques and clean room facilities are used to collect, process and analyze the samples. Mercury is a pollutant of current concern, and this work is the most extensive on the Great Lakes looking at the very low trace concentrations in the water.

Sediment Sampling & Analysis for LMMB
(IAG # DW13947696-01-0: $220,130)
Recipient: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Project Officer: Glenn Warren (312-886-2405)

Assistance continues to: measure the gross downward fluxes of particulate material and organic carbon; collect samples of the resuspendible pool of materials in regions of the lake where modern sediments do not accumulate; and provide samples of these materials for target compound analysis.

Contaminant Transfer in Lake Michigan Lower Pelagic Foodweb
(GL995616-01-1: $64,192/ GL995616-01-2: $154,603)
Recipient: University of Minnesota
Project Officer: Glenn Warren (312-886-2405)

Assistance continues for this LMMB study to: 1) develop and implement the methods used to collect phytoplankton and zooplankton samples from open lake stations in Lake Michigan by the R/V Lake Guardian; 2) determine the concentrations of target analytes in phytoplankton and zooplankton samples collected during open water surveys; and 3) develop and calibrate a dynamic, predictive model for estimating contaminant concentrations in phytoplankton and zooplankton from known water concentrations.

Fate and Transport of Atrazine and Metabolites in the Great Lakes
(GL995592-01-1: $57,425)
Recipient: University of Minnesota
Project Officer: Glenn Warren (312-886-2405)

Assistance for this LMMB Study continues. Samples from the open waters of the lower Great Lakes, emphasizing Lake Michigan, will be analyzed for Atrazine and its breakdown products. Alachlor and Metolachlor will also be quantified. The data will contribute to a mass balance model. The persistence of the herbicides in the Great Lakes will be determined. 

Customization and Implementation of the Research Data Management and Quality Control System
(GL995563-02-0: $10,000)
Recipient: Environment Canada
Project Officer: Lou Blume (312-353-2317)

Funding has been added to this project for development of a Research Data Management and Quality Control software package for use in GLNPO. The software will facilitate data verification and flagging for the Lake Michigan Mass Balance study.

Lake Michigan Tributary Monitoring Program
(X995469-02: $580,000)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

Monitoring - Ontario

Sampling and Analysis [Trackdown Activities]
(GL002967-03K: $38,000)
Recipient: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Conduct follow-up activities based on results of FY94 toxic-source trackdown activities. New actions may include additional trackdown, improvement of lower-detection-limit methods, identification of regulatory activities to address sources found.

Investigation of Mercury Contamination in Lake Ontario
(GL002967-03L: $63,000)
Recipient: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Evaluate risk associated with mercury "hot spot" in Lake Ontario (3 miles off-shore, near mouth of Genesee River, 100 feet deep). Recommend remedial actions, if necessary.

Lake Ontario Supplemental Biomonitoring Project
(GL992370-01: $42,000)
Recipient: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Project Officer: Alice Yeh (212-637-3702)

Collect spottail shiners to identify significant sources of BCCs into Lake Ontario. Collect bald eagle blood and egg tissue to monitor trends of toxics in the lake ecosystem. As a top predator, the bald eagle is a good indicator of conditions faced by a variety of species in the food web. Analyze netplankton chemical concentrations as an indicator of food web toxic uptake. These data provide an early indicator of toxics trends in the lake ecosystem.

Lake Ontario BioIndex Program
(DW14941715-0: $37,000)
Recipient: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Project Officer: Alice Yeh (212-637-3702)

Confirm that Lake Ontario total phosphorus levels are at target levels and assess the health of Lake Ontario's pelagic community. This information is crucial to the beneficial use impairment assessment of the Lake Ontario Lakewide Management Plan.

Monitoring - Superior

Operation of Lake Superior IADN Site
(GL995473-01-2: $28,264)
Recipient: Michigan Tech.
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

Operation and maintenance of Eagle Harbor IADN site on Lake Superior.

Mercury Emissions in the Lake Superior Region
(GL995438-01-1: $16,000)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Dave Anderson (312-353-2015)

The goals of the project are to determine the species of mercury emitted to the atmosphere from a variety of sources in the Lake Superior basin and the mercury deposition to the Lake Superior basin.

Monitoring - Multiple Lakes

Operation of Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN)
(GL995656-01-1: $218,795) (GL995656-01-2: $109,609 GLNPO / $200,428 OAQPS)
Recipient: Indiana University
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

This cooperative agreement allows Indiana University to collect and analyze atmospheric samples for trace organic compmounds, PCBs, organo-chlorine compounds, and PAHs at three IADN sites in the Great Lakes Basin. (Lakes Superior & Michigan)

Continued Site Maintenance for IADN
(GL995476-01-3: $14,544)
Recipient: U. of IL - IL State Water Survey
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

This project supports completion of sampling and analytical work and data interpretation for IADN sampling done by ISWS.

Toxic Atmospheric Deposition LK MI & LK SU Loadings Study
(GL995483-01-1: $397,546 from OAQPS)
Recipient: U. of IL - IL State Water Survey
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

This project supports completion of sampling and analytical work and data interpretation for IADN sampling done by ISWS. Additional sampling and analysis were part of the Lake Michigan/Lake Superior Loadings Study.

Toxic Atmospheric Deposition LK MI & LK SU Loadings Study
(GL995022-05-2: $48,950)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

Continuation of assistance to the WDNR for the maintenance and operation of Wisconsin atmospheric monitoring sites included in the Lake Michigan Mass Balance and Lake Superior Loading Study. Samples (air and precipitation) are collected by WDNR and sent to the Illinois State Water Survey for analysis for PCBs, PAHs, organochlorine compounds and trace metals.

Intercomparison of Precipitation Collectors for Metals Determination in IADN (GL985136-01-1: $4,188)
Recipient: SUNY Research Foundation
Project Officer: Angela Bandemehr (312-886-6858)

The U.S. and Canada have been monitoring metals in precipitation using a variety of methods and collectors. This project investigates the uncertainty associated with the use of differing collectors and protocols. (Lakes Superior, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario.)



Education/Outreach - Erie

Great Lakes Museum of Science, Environment and Technology
(GL985016-01; $2,000,000)
Recipient: Great Lakes Science Center
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

The Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) is a non-profit educational institution whose mission is to stimulate interest and increase understanding of the sciences, with a particular emphasis on the interdependence of scientific, environmental and technological activities in the Great Lakes region. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, the center is currently under construction. This grant will help develop a 10,000 square foot exhibition titled "The Great Lakes Environment." The exhibition, central to the GLSC's mission, will feature over 90 interactive exhibits focusing on the Great Lakes as an ecosystem.

Education/Outreach - Michigan

The Grand Traverse Bay Watershed Initiative
(NE985042-01-0: $24,956)
Recipient: Grand Traverse Bay Watershed Initiative
Project Officer: Steve Garbaciak (312-353-0117)

This environmental education grant will provide training and support to 30 5th grade teachers on water monitoring based on Stapp's Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring. Grand Traverse Bay Watershed initiative will provide a two-week summer institute for teachers, provide follow-up support for Fall and Spring monitoring activities, and culminate the year's effort with a student congress.

Lake Michigan Mass Balance Project
(GL985106-01-0: $43,950)
Recipient: Lake Michigan Federation
Project Officer: Don Deblasio (312-353-3612)

Materials will be developed for a program that will increase public awareness and understanding of past and present problems facing the Lake Michigan ecosystem and the initiatives, with an emphasis on the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Project, underway to improve the health of the Lake.

Education/Outreach - Superior

Lake Superior Public Forum Facilitation
(GL995906-01-4: $64,995)
Recipient: Northland College/Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute
Project Officer: Mark Elster (312-886-3857)

$4,000 of this increase will fund Forum member travel to the Lake Superior Binational Forum Public meeting being held at the IJC Biennial Meeting in Duluth, MN Sept. 22-25, 1995. Under the revised grant, support will be used for Forum-sponsored workshops addressing PCBs, mercury and dioxin. The remaining $60,995 will provide funding for FY1996 facilitation of the Lake Superior Public Forum, continuing support for the public involvement goals of the Lake Superior Binational Program.

Education/Outreach - Multiple Lakes

Perception of Great Lakes Water Quality: Attitudinal and Usage Study
(GL 995854-02-1: $13,810)
Recipient: Health Education Research, Inc.
Project Officer: Philip Hoffman (312-886-7478)

This amendment increased a previous award of $33,750 for the research study of Great Lakes attitudes in an eight state area. The project was designed to complement ongoing Great Lakes education efforts by assessing how the general public processes information and what are their perceptions of environmental issues. The project was completed in September 1995.



Research Data Management and Quality Control software
(GL99563-01-2: $10,000)
Recipient: Environment Canada
Project Officer: Lou Blume (312-353-2317)

Continues support for the development of the Research Data Management and Quality Control (RDMQ) software package for use in GLNPO. This QA software package will assist in the verification and flagging of data for the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Program and the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN). RDMQ is presently in use in Canada and will therefore provide a common link for qualifying IADN data. RDMQ has the potential for use in all major GLNPO data collection activities.

Great Lakes Monitoring Database - Applications Development
(DW89947742: $100,000)
IAG Recipient: US Department of Energy
Project Officer: George Mbogo (312-353-7463)

In order to expedite access to the voluminous Lake Michigan Mass Balance datasets, the Department of Energy is providing its expertise in developing and managing complex computer database applications. The applications developed under this Interagency Agreement (IAG) will include data entry, data access and analysis software. These applications will applicable to all additional project datasets in the Great Lakes Monitoring Database.

Expand Great Lakes Information
(GL995708-01-1: $189,650)
Recipient: Great Lakes Commission
Project Officer: Pranas Pranckevicius (312-353-3437)

This additional support for this FY94 project will be used to increase the public's accessibility to environmental data in the Great Lakes region and to provide technical consultation, data and material support to partner organizations in order to make their environmental data more accessible. The Recipient will incorporate information compiled for the 1996 State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference into the Great Lakes Information Network and will host the 1996 Great Lakes Information Network Conference April 9-10 in Lansing, MI.



State Capacity Grants:

  • IEPA (GL985201-01-0
  • MDNR (GL995381-01-5:)
  • MPCA (part of cluster GL985131-01-0)
  • NYSDEC (GL995389-01)
  • OEPA (GL995647-01-1)
  • WDNR (GL995918-01-03)

Contact: Michael Russ (312-886-4013)

Through $70,000 State Capacity grants, GLNPO is assisting State Environmental Protection Agencies to better coordinate their management of and input into the variety of Great Lakes federal programmatic activities occurring in the Basin. Such activities currently include: LaMPs, RAPs, the USEPA Great Lakes Five Year Strategy, the Great Lakes Initiative, state participation on the Binational Executive Committee, data integration, and Great Lakes research activities. Pennsylvania did not participate in these grants. IDEM was previously funded.


General LaMP/RAP Activities - Lake Erie

Lake Erie LaMP
(GL002967-03E: $20,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Participate in Lake Erie LaMP development, including attending workgroups/meetings; reviewing LaMP documents; providing NY-related data for LaMP reports, to ensure that Niagara River priority toxics are addressed.

RAP/LaMP Coordination
(X995759-03: $880,000)
Recipient: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Project Officer: Nick Damato

Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan
(X995606-02: $1,231,694)
Recipient: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Project Officer:

Participation of LaMP and Other Great Lakes Activities
(X995625-02: $6,500)
Recipient: Chippewa-Ottawa Treaty Fishery Management Authority
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding will allow for the Authority's participation in Lakewide Management Planning activities, including decision-making.

Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan
(X995609-02: $60,000)
Recipient: Clean Lakes, Inc.
State: Illinois
Project Officer: Francine Norling

Fund continued work on the public participation program for the Lake Erie LaMP.

General LaMP/RAP Activities - Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan LaMP
(X995400-02: $70,000)
Recipient: InDEM
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

Great Lakes AOC and LaMP Support
(X981390-01: $560,000)
Recipient: MiDNR
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

General LaMP/RAP Activities - Lake Ontario

Implementation of Lake Ontario Toxics Management Plan [LOTMP]
(GL002967-03B: $20,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Participate in LOTMP/LaMP implementation, including attending workgroups/meetings; coordinating input into Lake Ontario monitoring needs workgroup; developing Lake Ontario Coordination Committee reports.

RAP Development and Implementation
(GL002967-03C: $155,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Support development of RAPs for the 6 Areas of Concern (AOCs) in New York State. Develop reports documenting actions for toxic chemical reductions at each AOC.


General LaMP/RAP Activities - Lake Superior

RAP/LaMP Coordination, Toxic Loading and Biocriteria Testing
(X985104-01: $135,000)
Recipient: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

Lake Superior Lakewide Management Plan Activities
(X985211-01: $6,500)
Recipient: Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding will allow for the Authority's participation in Lakewide Management Planning activities, including decision-making.

Lake Superior Lakewide Management Plan Activities
(X995619-01: $3,500)
Recipient: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding will allow for the Authority's participation in Lakewide Management Planning activities, including decision-making.

Lake Superior Lakewide Management Plan Activities
(X995627-01" $3,500)
Recipient: 1854 Authority
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding will allow for the Authority's participation in Lakewide Management Planning activities, including decision-making.



Other - Ontario

Implementation of Niagara River Toxics Management Plan [NRTMP]
(GL002967-03A: $32,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Participate in NRTMP implementation, including attending workgroups/meetings; reviewing draft Declaration of Intent amendments; developing reports required by Niagara River Coordination Committee.

Great Lakes Point Source Permit Review Project
(GL002967-03F: $150,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Improve Great Lakes point source permits by increasing emphasis on reducing Lake Ontario/Niagara River priority toxics, enabling PCS to generate accurate loadings data, lowering SPDES effluent limits for BCCs to correspond to consistently achieved EEQ (only where EEQ < SPDES limits), and developing procedures to reduce the discharge of toxics that cannot be regulated quantitatively.

Implementation of Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance [GLWQG]
(GL002967-03G: $120,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Comply with GLWQG by modifying New York State water quality standards and methodologies for developing standards, revising NYSDEC antidegradation policy, and modifying NYSDEC water quality-based permit-writing procedures.

Coordinate Division of Water [DOW] Activities
(GL002967-03H: $82,000)
Recipient: NYSDEC
Project Officer: Barbara Spinweber (212-637-3848)

Coordinate implementation of Great Lakes-related activities by serving as contact for BEC and IJC requests for meetings/comments on reports, ensuring consistency and avoiding duplication in Great Lakes-related projects conducted by DOW and other NYSDEC divisions, and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken following identification of toxics sources in trackdown activities.

Other - Multiple Lakes

(GL985221-01-0: $50,000)
Recipient: Great Lakes Fisheries Commission
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312-353-3503)

This cooperative agreement enables the Recipient to fully participate in preparations for the 1996 State of the Lakes Conference and to support both the steering committee and preparation of background papers. The Recipient will provide both direct expertise and the benefit of its network of relationships with the many partners that must become involved to provide an integrated ecosystem view of the state of nearshore resources and stresses affecting them.

SOLEC '96/GL Atlas
Recipient: Environment Canada
Project Officer: Kent Fuller (312-353-3503)

Environment Canada will assist in the development of the 1996 State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference and will print additional copies of the third edition of the Great Lakes Atlas.

GLWQI Mussel Toxicity Optimization
(99482195: $50,000)
Recipient: Region 4 (Clemson University)
Project Officer: Rick Fox

The U.S. EPA is evaluating existing water quality criteria and developing new criteria (including GLWQI) for the protection of endangered freshwater mussels. This project will optimize and standardize the use of juvenile Utterbackla imbecillis for toxicity testing.

Environmental Technology Transfer and Training for Baltic Scientists
(GL985214-01-0; $17,000)
Recipient: Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
Project Officer: Edward W. Klappenbach (312-353-1378)

Proposal provides logistical support for environmental scientists from the Baltic Republics to attend the Fourth International Symposium on Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality, at Montana State University. The project brings together aquatic scientists from several countries, including speakers from nine countries in western and eastern Europe, Asia, and North America.

Water Pollution Control Program
(I995797-02: $38,000)
Recipient: Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
State: Minnesota
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding supports the development of federally recognized Tribal water quality standards for water of the Reservation. Of great interest to the Tribes is the protection of water for subsistence and culture uses, sustainable development, and wild rice production.

Drafting and Adoption of Surface Water Quality Standards
(I985109-01: $38,000)
Recipient: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
State: Michigan
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The grant will allow for the development of federally recognized Tribal water quality standards for waters of the Reservation. Of great interest to the Tribe is the protection of waters for subsistence and culture uses, sustainable development, and wild rice production.

Water Pollution Control Program
(I995079-05: $10,000)
Recipient: Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funds will allow for the development of federally recognized Tribal water quality standards for waters of the Reservation. Of great interest to the Tribe is the protection of waters for subsistence and culture uses, sustainable development, and wild rice production.

Water Resources and Water Monitoring
(X995621-02: $45,000)
Recipient: Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Project Officer: Claudia Johnson-Schultz (312) 886-6108

The funding will allow for the Tribe to contract with the United States Geological Survey to perform water quality sampling and analysis for trace metals and organics on the Wolf River, a tributary of Lake Michigan.

Development of Urban Water Control Programs
(CP995288-02: $40,000)
Recipient: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Project Officer: Ernie Lopez

Identification of present Lake management problems; provide solutions to stagnation and high nutrient levels in Indian Lakes; and perform limited watershed work to support future wetland restoration on the site.

Accelerating Environmental Technology Diffusion
(X985148-01: $197,000)
Recipient: Minnesota Office of the Attorney General
Project Officer: Charles Pycha

Develop and present training seminars, educational forums, a technology fair and industry-sector focus groups to provide businesses of all sizes with the information they need to become good customers of environmental technology.

Sustainable Development Initiative for Northwest Indiana
(X985110-01: $100,000)
Recipient: Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
Project Officer: Jennifer Beese (312) 886-6713

Enable the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission to forge a sustainable development vision for the future of Northwest Indiana with business/industry and government communities, in concert with local universities, environmental organizations, labor and citizens. Specifically, it will support the planning and development of a vision-setting process, as well as public education, consensus-building efforts, and development of a sustainable development action plan.

Environmental Indicators on a Regional Scale: Milwaukee River Basin Pilot
(X985171-01: $110,000)
Recipient: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Michael Phillips

The development of indicators to describe and evaluate ecological conditions. These indicators can be used to address national and international policy needs, assess ecosystem status and trends, anticipate emerging environmental problems and broaden our understanding of ecosystem's structure and sectioning.

Zero Discharge Pilot Project
(X985119-01: $300,000)
Recipient: Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Project Officer: Gene Wojcik

Development of Self Audit/Pollution Prevention Program
(X985169-01: $50,000)
Recipient: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Project Officer: Matt Gluckman (312) 886-6089

To support development of a self-audit and pollution prevention program to train staff of publicly owned treatment works in Southeast Michigan, to maximize plant efficiencies and promote incorporation of pollution prevention into industrial pretreatment programs.

Pollution Prevention Assistance to Publically Owned Treatment Works
(X995418-01: $95,000)
Recipient: Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)
Project Officer: Matt Gluckman (312) 886-6089

Develop an industrial pretreatment pollution prevention program for Publicly Owned Treatment Works in the Southeast Michigan Area. SEMCOG will be working closely with Michigan Department of Natural Resources in the selection of one or two pilot plants for the development of this program.


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