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Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Great Lakes Pollution Prevention


Pollution Solutions

Promoting Polluting Prevention
in the Great Lakes Basin

Photo provided by Water Action Volunteers - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and University of Wisconsin Extension.

A Report on the Pollution Prevention Grant Program in the Great Lakes Basin

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Overview of Pollution Preventions Projects, Federal Fiscal Years 1992-1995

Table 1: Number of New Projects, Total Dollar Amounts and Dollars Leveraged for GLNPO Pollution Prevention Grant Assistance, Fiscal Years 1992-1995

Table 2: Agencies and Organizations Receiving Fiscal Years 1992-1995 Grant Assistance Dollars from GLNPO, and Basins Impacted by Projects

Table 3: GLNPO Funded Pollution Prevention and Dollars by Great Lakes
Basin During Fiscal Years 1992-1995



Project Summaries FY 1995
Mercury Reduction through Treatment Chemical Selection
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Rochester Embayment Watershed Mercury Pollution Prevention Program
Monroe County Department of Health (in coordination with the National Wildlife Federation
and Western Lake Superior Sanitary District)

Mercury Reduction and Pollution Prevention in Hospitals
National Wildlife Federation (in coordination with Monroe County, New York and
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District)

Zero Discharge Pilot Project
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (in coordination with Monroe County, New York
and the National Wildlife Federation)

Project Summaries FY 1994
Great Lakes Alternative Cleaning Education Program
Center for Neighborhood Technology

Campaign for a Sustainable Calumet Region
Center for Neighborhood Technology

Creative Pollution Solutions for Southeast Chicago
Chicago Legal Clinic, Inc.

Great Printers Project
Council of Great Lakes Governors

Local Government Pollution Prevention Targeting Project
Erie County Department of Environment and Planning

Erie County Clean Sweeps II
Erie County Department of Environment & Planning

Auto Industry Pollution Prevention Project: Phase II
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (formerly Department of Natural Resources)

Pollution Prevention Education and Technical Assistance for the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Basins in Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin, Cooperative Extension, Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center

Project Summaries FY 1993
Erie County Regional Municipal Pollution Prevention Program
Western New York Economic Development Corporation/Erie County

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program and Pollution Prevention Assessments
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (formerly Department of Natural Resources)

Mercury/PCB Outreach and Collection Program and Technical Assistance
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Ohio Great Lakes Basin Pretreatment Pollution Prevention
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Toxics Pollution Prevention Mentoring
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District

Pollution Prevention Assessments in Support of the Lake Superior Binational Program - Technical Assistance to Industries
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Project Summaries FY 1992
Industrial Waste Water Operator Pollution Prevention Training
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (formerly the Michigan Department of Natural Resources)

Pollution Prevention and Public Awareness Campaign for Lakes Superior and Michigan Basin
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, in Partnership with Illinois, Indiana Michigan and Wisconsin State Environmental Agencies

Projects Funded in FY 1997

Funding Guidance and Grant Funding Process


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