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R/V Lake Guardian
Data Projects
Beach closings
Benthic invertebrates

Hanging in the Balance: 
      Lake Michigan Mass Balance

The information in this report is current as of September 1998. Due to the possible changes in information, it is recommended that up-to-date information be obtained from the listed grant contacts or contact GLNPO.

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photo: Research Vessel (R/V) Lake Guardian
January 1999

Transit on the Detroit River
(Photo taken Aug 2, 1998 by Kirsten James)
A Grant/Contract Summary

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Questions Regarding this Report Should be Directed to:

Louis Blume, Environmental Scientist
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Great Lakes National Program Office
77 West Jackson Boulevard (G-17J)
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Tel:  (312) 353-2317
Fax: (312) 353-2018





Kirsten James, Intern
Environmental Careers Organization Academic Relations Program
Northwestern University - College of Arts and Sciences

I would like to thank the numerous GLNPO staff members who filled in the blanks for my summary information and answered the plethora of accompanying questions. The project officer reviews of each draft were particularly helpful. Without the assistance of the grantees and contractors, many unknowns would have remained.

I am grateful to GLNPO for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. I have leaned more in my short stay then I could have imagined; the benefits of experience are immeasurable. My tour of Lake Erie on the R/V Lake Guardian was a wonderful supplement to my experience. Region 5 GLNPO was a very welcoming and enriching atmosphere. Special thanks go to my Project Mentor, Deborah Lamberty, and my Project Director, Paul Horvatin.

- Kirsten James

A Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface.



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