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About our traffic cameras

Web-based cameras are a traffic management tool that provide real-time traffic information to traffic operators, the media, and the traveling public. Cameras are designed to increase the safety and efficiency of roadways and to inform drivers of adverse conditions such as accidents or congestion. Motorists can log onto the My Commute Web site and view video images of traffic conditions.

Pre-trip Internet traveler information assists travelers in making mode choices, travel time estimates, and route decisions prior to trip departure. The Traffic Control Center staff monitor the real-time traffic conditions and can intervene quickly to deal with emerging problems. They adjust traffic signal timings, dispatch enforcement personnel and advise motorists. Upon detection of an incident or other disruption to the flow of traffic, the operators in the Traffic Control Center can notify the appropriate authorities to clear the incident. The cameras are a public safety tool and are not intended to identify speeders or enforce traffic laws.

Web-based traffic cameras are a part of the discipline Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and a component of that discipline's subsystem Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS).

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) collect, store, process and distribute information to people for the movement of people and goods. Examples include traveler information, traffic management, emergency management, public transportation management and many others. Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) is the deployment of advanced traffic sensors and surveillance systems along with real time traffic management and control to increase the movement of traffic along arterials.

When and where will additional cameras be added?

New cameras will be installed and activated as capital improvement projects are completed. In 2007, we expect to install 2 new cameras on Avondale Road at Novelty Hill Road, 1 new camera at Novelty Hill Road at Redmond Road and 1 new camera at 124th Ave SE and SE 320th St. Additional projects are in the works to further expand coverage along the congested corridors in the years ahead. Please see "Future traffic camera locations" below to see a list of potential camera locations for construction in the near future. Comments on camera locations may be sent to

Future traffic camera locations

Map of future traffic camera locations

New King County traffic cameras will be installed and activated as capital improvement projects are completed. The following are potential future camera locations within CIP projects scheduled for construction within 5 years. The proposed camera locations are:

As the projects as designed, these locations may change to assure the camera is placed in the best possible location for monitoring traffic congestion.

Additional projects are in the works to further expand coverage along congested corridors in the future.

Contact us

Comments regarding traffic cam locations may be sent to

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Updated: Oct. 8, 2007

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King County
Department of Transportation
Road Services Division
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Seattle, WA 98104
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