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Albuquerque - Official City Website

About Us

Photo of a fountain at Civic PlazaIn 1993 Mayor Martin J. Chávez created the Office of Economic Development (OED) to promote and facilitate business development, to create and implement economic development strategy, and to strengthen ties with the private sector. Through OED's many achievements and strong reputation for reliability on July 1st, 2006 the Office of Economic Development gained department status becoming the Economic Development Department (EDD).

EDD has evolved to become a policy-oriented, fast-moving department within the City. We work with the private sector, within city government and in partnership with other agencies, the Congressional delegation, state legislators and business groups. We take a networking, problem-solving approach.

We pride ourselves on responding quickly.

Staff competencies include finance, recruitment, small-business development, tourism, international trade, and film and multi-media.

Meet Our Professional Staff

Peter Mitchell , Director, has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. He was director of space commercialization in the state Economic Development Department and vice president of business development for Builder Rewards.


Deirdre Firth, Senior Economic Developer, is responsible for EDD’s recruitment and expansion projects and programs, including Industrial Revenue Bonds. Previously she was vice president for business development at Albuquerque Economic Development Inc. (AED), a development consultant, and an urban and regional planner.

Alberto Solís, Manager of International Trade, has been a political and trade advisor for the Office of Mexican Affairs and Trade within the New Mexico Economic Development Department. He was responsible for the state’s foreign trade offices in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Chihuahua City and Ciudad Juárez. He also worked in private industry for IBM Corp. and Tobutsu America Corp. Having grown up in Mexico and the United States, he has a dual U.S.-Mexican citizenship.

Ann Lerner, Film Liaison, brings 20 years of production experience in the film industry to the Albuquerque Film Office. Its mission is to promote and attract the film industry to Albuquerque. Her responsibilities include marketing, location scouting, production meetings, community walk-throughs, on-site visits, location follow-ups, and coordinating special screenings.




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