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Albuquerque - Official City Website

So You Want To Be An Extra On A Film?



Albuquerque is experiencing an explosion of film-making in the area, and most films need a good supply of extras.  Here are a few frequently asked questions:


Q: Do I need to be beautiful to be an extra? 

A: No, movie extras come in all ages, sizes, shapes, colors, and looks. 

Q: How much does an extra get paid? 

A: Not much. Usually, minimum wage.  If you are doing this to earn a living, you need to pick a different career.

Q: How long is a typical day’s work?

A: The movie industry works very long hours, and a 10 to 14 hour work day is not uncommon.

Q: What if I can’t be available all day? 

A: Don’t be an extra.

Q: Is a cattle call for a western?  What if I don’t have any livestock? 

A: A cattle call refers to a mass casting call, where hundreds are seen in an afternoon for a very brief amount of time.

Q: How do I find out about when a movie needs extras? 

A: There are several ways to find out about extras casting calls.  You may hear about one on the radio, tv, or in the newspaper.  A more effective way to get on as an extra is to be represented by an Extras Casting Director.  Go to and for a listing of extras casting directors in your area.  Call or email them for more information.

Q: Does it cost money to be listed with an Extras Casting Director? 

A: No, there should be no cost to be listed.  The Casting Director may take a portion (10%) of your wages if you are selected.


Q: What is a head shot?  Does it cost money? 

A: Do not spend a lot of money on a head shot when you are just getting started.  Have a friend take a digital picture of you, and make your own head shot listing your name, cell phone, sizes, previous experience on a set or in theatre, and any special talents you have. Keep it to one page only.

Q: I can juggle chain saws, should I list that? 

A: Absolutely.

Q: I can’t swim, but they are looking for swimmers.  Should I say I can in hopes of getting the part? 

A: No, don’t lie. 

Q: What is it like on a movie set? 

A: Boring, generally.  Bring a book to read, knitting, etc etc.

Q: Can I talk to the director? 

A: Never.

Q: The lead actor/actress/director is my hero.  Can I ask her for an autograph? 

A: Never.

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