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Arctostaphylos Adans.

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Photo of Arctostaphylos Adans.
Courtesy of USDA Forest Service. Usage Requirements.
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Arctostaphylos Adans.

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Arctostaphylos Adans.

Distribution Map Legend

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Related Taxa:
Arctostaphylos Adans.

View 35 genera in Ericaceae or click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles.
Distribution of Arctostaphylos alpina (L.) Spreng.. .
Arctostaphylos alpina
alpine bearberry
Distribution of Arctostaphylos andersonii A. Gray. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos andersonii
Santa Cruz manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos auriculata Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos auriculata
Mt. Diablo manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos australis Eastw. [excluded]. .
Arctostaphylos australis
Distribution of Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos bakeri
Baker's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×benitoensis J.B. Roof (pro sp.) [glauca × pungens]. .
Arctostaphylos ×benitoensis
Distribution of Arctostaphylos bolensis P.V. Wells [excluded]. .
Arctostaphylos bolensis
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×campbelliae Eastw. (pro sp.) [glauca × tomentosa]. .
Arctostaphylos ×campbelliae
Distribution of Arctostaphylos canescens Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos canescens
hoary manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos catalinae P.V. Wells. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos catalinae
Santa Catalina Island manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×cinerea Howell (pro sp.) [canescens × viscida]. .
Arctostaphylos ×cinerea
Waldo manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×coloradensis Rollins (pro sp.) [patula × uva-ursi]. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos ×coloradensis
Distribution of Arctostaphylos columbiana Piper. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos columbiana
hairy manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos confertiflora Eastw.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos confertiflora
Santa Rosa Island manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos cruzensis J.B. Roof. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos cruzensis
La Cruz manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos densiflora M.S. Baker. .
Arctostaphylos densiflora
Vine Hill manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos edmundsii J.T. Howell. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos edmundsii
Little Sur manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos gabrielensis P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos gabrielensis
San Gabriel manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos glandulosa
Eastwood's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos glauca
bigberry manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos glutinosa Schreib.. .
Arctostaphylos glutinosa
Schreiber's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×helleri Eastw. (pro sp.) [myrtifolia × viscida]. .
Arctostaphylos ×helleri
Distribution of Arctostaphylos hispidula Howell. .
Arctostaphylos hispidula
Gasquet manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos hookeri G. Don. .
Arctostaphylos hookeri
Hooker's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos hooveri P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos hooveri
Hoover's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos imbricata Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos imbricata
San Bruno Mountain manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos insularis Greene ex Parry. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos insularis
island manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×jepsonii Eastw. (pro sp.) [patula × viscida]. .
Arctostaphylos ×jepsonii
Distribution of Arctostaphylos klamathensis S.W. Edwards, Keeler-Wolf & W. Knight. .
Arctostaphylos klamathensis
Klamath manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×laxiflora A. Heller (pro sp.) [manzanita × mewukka]. .
Arctostaphylos ×laxiflora
Distribution of Arctostaphylos luciana P.V. Wells. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos luciana
Santa Lucia manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos malloryi (W. Knight & Gankin) P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos malloryi
Mallory's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos manzanita
whiteleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×media Greene (pro sp.) [columbiana × uva-ursi]. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos ×media
Distribution of Arctostaphylos mendocinoensis P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos mendocinoensis
pygmy manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos mewukka Merriam. .
Arctostaphylos mewukka
Indian manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos montaraensis J.B. Roof. .
Arctostaphylos montaraensis
Montara manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos montereyensis Hoover. .
Arctostaphylos montereyensis
Monterey manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos moranii P.V. Wells [excluded]. .
Arctostaphylos moranii
Moran's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos morroensis Wies. & Schreib.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos morroensis
Morro manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Parry. .
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia
Ione manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos nevadensis
pinemat manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam. .
Arctostaphylos nissenana
Nissenan manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos nortensis P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos nortensis
Del Norte manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos nummularia A. Gray. .
Arctostaphylos nummularia
glossyleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos obispoensis Eastw.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos obispoensis
serpentine manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos osoensis P.V. Wells. .
Arctostaphylos osoensis
Oso manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos otayensis Wies. & Schreib.. .
Arctostaphylos otayensis
Otay manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pacifica J.B. Roof. .
Arctostaphylos pacifica
Pacific manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pajaroensis (J.E. Adams ex McMinn) J.E. Adams. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis
Pajaro manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pallida Eastw.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos pallida
Alameda manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon. .
Arctostaphylos parryana
Parry manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×parvifolia Howell (pro sp.) [glandulosa × nevadensis]. .
Arctostaphylos ×parvifolia
Distribution of Arctostaphylos patula Greene. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos patula
greenleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pechoensis (Dudley ex Abrams) Dudley ex Munz. .
Arctostaphylos pechoensis
Pecho manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos peninsularis P.V. Wells. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos peninsularis
Peninsular manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pilosula Jeps. & Wies. ex Jeps.. .
Arctostaphylos pilosula
La Panza manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pringlei Parry. .
Arctostaphylos pringlei
Pringle manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pumila Nutt.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos pumila
sandmat manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos pungens
pointleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos purissima P.V. Wells. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos purissima
La Purissima manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos rainbowensis J.E. Keeley & A. Massihi. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos rainbowensis
Rainbow manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos refugioensis Gankin. .
Arctostaphylos refugioensis
Refugio manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos regismontana Eastw.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos regismontana
Kings Mountain manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×repens (J.T. Howell) P.V. Wells [glandulosa × virgata]. .
Arctostaphylos ×repens
PMC manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos rubra (Rehder & Wilson) Fernald. .
Arctostaphylos rubra
red fruit bearberry
Distribution of Arctostaphylos rudis Jeps. & Wies. ex Jeps.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos rudis
shagbark manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos silvicola Jeps. & Wies. ex Jeps.. .
Arctostaphylos silvicola
Bonny Doon manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos stanfordiana Parry. .
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana
Stanford's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Lindl.. .
Arctostaphylos tomentosa
woollyleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Distribution of Arctostaphylos ×victorinii Rolland-Germain. .
Arctostaphylos ×victorinii
Victorin's manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos virgata Eastw.. .
Arctostaphylos virgata
Bolinas manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos viridissima (Eastw.) McMinn. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos viridissima
whitehair manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos viscida Parry. . Image Available.
Arctostaphylos viscida
sticky whiteleaf manzanita
Distribution of Arctostaphylos wellsii Knight. .
Arctostaphylos wellsii
Wells' manzanita
Plant is native (blue) Native   Plant is introduced Introduced
Related taxa legend

Arctostaphylos Adans.

Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report.
Kingdom Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass Dilleniidae
Order Ericales
Family Ericaceae – Heath family
Genus Arctostaphylos Adans. – manzanita

Wildlife Habitat Values:
Arctostaphylos Adans.

  Large Mammals Small Mammals Water Birds Terrestrial Birds
Source Large Mammals Food Large Mammals Cover Small Mammals Food Small Mammals Cover Water Birds Food Water Birds Cover Terrestrial Birds Food Terrestrial Birds Cover
Martin Low Low Low Moderate     Low High
Wildlife Habitat Values


Martin, A.C., H.S. Zim, and A.L. Nelson. 1951. American wildlife and plants: A guide to wildlife food habits. Dover Publications, New York.


More Accounts and Images:
Arctostaphylos Adans.

View photographs from CalPhotos.

View taxonomic account from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) for ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number 23467.

View species account and distribution map from Jepson Interchange (University of California - Berkeley).

Time Generated: 11/02/2008 09:03 AM MST