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Images from NIST Laboratory Research

Click on a picture to enlarge the image and get a caption and links that describe the research. This section contains both scientific graphics (below) and photographs of NIST researchers working in their laboratories.

Colorized version of an image created by the NIST custom-built scanning tunneling microscope as it drags a cobalt atom across a closely packed lattice of copper atoms. Large round features show the cobalt atom bonding to the copper at its preferred, lowest energy bonding site. Bright triangle-shaped areas show the atoms bonding at a higher energy site. The atom "screeches in protest" when the STM tip forces it to sit at this site. Dark areas show positions that the atom "hops" over, refusing to bond at all. Explosive Hot PadMagnetic MonetRainbow FilmMagenta MicroheaterMagnesium Oxide DiceQuantum Daisymicro-oscillators Formation of a molecular condensate.Columns of a DNA gel show the sizes of Y chromosome fragments from 6 male and 1 female sample (empty lane third from right)Two liposomes Cobalt Atoms scattering data from polymer pattern SEM of charged diamond tip electron damage on biosensor cubane molecule Smoke plume over terrain heat release profile chromium on iron atomic surface microheater lithography grid Microgear Flow around bullet Scanning Capacitance Microscope image Model of Crystal Growth CMM Measurement Profile of Perfect SphereBose Einstein Condensate Surface of Solar Cell SEM of tin particles Electron Beam Moire Pattern Micrograph of Electron Counter Ultrasonic image of silcon crystal planes


Date created: 2/19/01
Last updated: 1/23/04


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