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Current Radar and Satellite Images
 Local Radar
Regional Radar
Visible Satellite
IR Satellite
WV Satellite
 Local Radar  Regional Radar  Visible Satellite Image  IR Satellite Image  WV Satellite Image
 Loop Loop

Current Surface Plots    
Surface Conditions for Nebraska Northward Surface Conditions for Nebraska Eastward Surface Conditions for Nebraska Southward Surface Conditions for Nebraska Westward
 Nebraska North
Nebraska East
Nebraska South
Nebraska West
Information for Decoding Surface Plots

Current Surface Maps
 00Z Surface Map  03Z Surface Map  06Z Surface Map  09Z Surface Map
 00Z 03Z
 12Z Surface Map  15Z Surface Map  18Z Surface Map  21Z Surface Map
 12Z 15Z
To view the most recent surface map select the Z time nearest and previous to the current Z time.

Additional Regional Conditions Links
Upper Air, Sounding and Wind Profiler Data
SPC Surface and Upper Air Maps
NCAR Upper Air Analyses and Soundings
Nebraska Vortex Intercept Team Upper Air Plots & Analyses
GOES Satellite Soundings
Sounding Generator
NOAA ESRL-GSD/NWS Wind Profiler Graphical Displays
Surface Data
Current Weather Conditions: CO IA KS MO NE SD WY
HPC Surface Analyses
MADIS Surface Data
NCAR Surface Data
National Radar Mosaic
Precipitation and Drought Analysis
AHPS National Precipitation Analysis
Nebraska Rainfall Assessment and Information Network
Interactive Snow Information
Drought Outlook
Palmer Drought Severity Index
Drought Monitoring Page at the Climate Prediction Center
NOAA's Drought Information Center
Precipitation Needed to End Drought
U.S. Drought Monitor from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Crop Moisture Index
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
Road Conditions
Nebraska Department of Roads Traveler Information Portal
Nebraska Department of Roads Highway Cameras
Other Sites of Interest
SPC Mesoscale Analysis Page
Weather Charts
Wind Chill Index Chart and Information
Heat Index Chart

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • North Platte, NE Weather Forecast Office
  • 5250 E. Lee Bird Drive
  • North Platte, NE 69101-2473
  • 308-532-4936
  • Page Author: LBF Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-lbf.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: June 16th 2008 3:31 PM
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