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FY 2007 Department of State/USAID Joint Highlights   -Table of Contents
Released by the Bureau of Resource Management
February 2008

Message from the USAID Administrator and Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance

Photo of Henrietta H. Fore, USAID Administrator and Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance

During 2007, USAID managed $13.5 billion in foreign assistance funding. These resources addressed serious issues such as: intensifying efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and malaria; post-conflict rebuilding of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and parts of Africa; promoting education and democracy; and responding to humanitarian crises. I am pleased to share a few of our 2007 accomplishments in these areas:

  • Concluded our 17-year support to Bulgaria’s transition from a centralized communist state to a democracy and free market economy. Bulgaria is now solidly grounded as a new member of the European Union, and a new donor country.
  • Protected 22.3 million people from malaria in 15 focus countries under the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). The PMI is already seeing major reductions in malaria transmission in four countries, and a 95 percent reduction in malaria infections throughout Zanzibar.
  • Contributed significantly to a 22 percent reduction of Afghanistan’s infant mortality rate, among the highest in the world, through vaccinations and other health care services. Approximately 88,000 lives are saved per year as a result of over 670 clinics built by USAID.
  • Improved the skills of over 11,000 educators in 20 sub-Saharan African countries under the President’s Africa Education Initiative (AEI). Nearly 100,000 girls in 39 countries received scholarships and mentoring, and over 5.5 million textbooks and learning materials were provided in the region.
  • Trained more than 100,000 justice sector personnel worldwide to strengthen effective democracies.
  • Supported 68,282 micro and medium businesses in accessing $589 million of private investment through USAID’s Development Credit Authority guarantee, thereby expanding new markets and contributing to economic growth.
  • Responded to 76 disasters in 56 countries and provided more than $410 million in non-food assistance for natural disasters and complex humanitarian crises around the world. Also, USAID provided more than $1.4 billion in P.L. 480 Title II food aid assistance and played a critical role in the prevention of famine in Darfur, Sudan, where it provided 50 percent of the United Nations World Food Program Sudan appeal, representing more than 67 percent of all donor contributions. Furthermore, USAID provided more than $50 million in disaster preparedness and mitigation programs.

For the fifth consecutive year, USAID earned unqualified opinions on its financial statements. We also made significant progress under the Improved Financial Performance initiative of the President’s Management Agenda by scoring green in both status and progress due to a new accounting system, Phoenix, which improved the accuracy and timeliness of our financial information.

Along with the Department of State, I am pleased to present the Highlights of Performance, Budget, and Financial Information for Fiscal Year 2007, and am pleased to certify that the budget, financial and performance data are complete and reliable.


Signature of Henrietta H. Fore
Henrietta H. Fore
USAID Administrator and Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance
February 1, 2008


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