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Law enforcement partnerships are key to 21st century global crime threats


FBI/IACP Law Enforcement partnership graphicOn October 24, FBI Director Mueller addressed the 110th Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with a strong message about law enforcement partnerships in an era of global crime:

"The time when a police department or a sheriff's office or the FBI can act on its own is gone. We must rely on each other for what each brings to the table, whether that be manpower, technology, or expertise. The future will require law enforcement to work together with seamless coordination."

Mueller warmly praised the group--representing law enforcement professionals across the United States and the world--for extraordinary efforts on critical cases. About the capture of Top Tenner Eric Rudolph, he said, "For five years, Eric Rudolph evaded the FBI. You found him," singling out Murphy, North Carolina, officer Jeffrey Postell for making the arrest. He also specifically praised the IACP's National Intelligence Sharing Strategy, designed to improve the capacity of local law enforcement to gather information and analyze it for its potential intelligence content.

Mueller focused strongly on evolving criminal trends and warned that law enforcement must progressively change the way it thinks and does business to confront them:

"We face an increasingly complex criminal landscape. Experts say that with globalization, the role of nation/states is diminishing along with their ability to effectively respond to criminal conduct. To confront this dangerous new landscape, law enforcement must change."

Pictured are FBI Director Mueller and IACP President Joseph Samuels, Chief of Police in Richmond, California. To read the entire speech as written, go to Executive Speeches.

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