Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

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Who We Are

The U. S. Department of State is the official international relations arm of the President of the United States. The Department is responsible for formulating, implementing and supporting U.S. foreign policy, assisting U.S. citizens abroad and managing the human and material resources that provide the platform for U.S. foreign policy. Members of the Department's Foreign Service and Civil Service are engaged in issues such as conflict resolution, nuclear non-proliferation, human rights and democracy, environmental issues, world trade, public diplomacy, and the promotion of the interests of Americans and their businesses abroad.  Department of State employees are also involved in support and management issues -- improving logistical systems to get the best possible value for tax dollars.

The Department of State is composed of many different bureaus, some "regional" (for example, the Bureau of African Affairs), others "functional", dealing with specific external issues or internal responsibilities (such as the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor; the Bureau of Administration; and the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs).

The State Department's Mission

To administer U.S. foreign policy and maintain diplomatic relations throughout the world.

The Objectives of the Internship Program

The Department of State is committed to equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment for all without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, disabling condition, political affiliation, marital status, or prior statutory, constitutionally protected activity.

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