Welcome to King County Juvenile Court!


Learn about Juvenile Court

  • Get information about Juvenile Court.
  • Learn about the court process for Juvenile Offenders.
  • Learn about the court process for Truancy / At-Risk Youth / Children in Need of Services.
  • Learn about the court process for Juvenile Dependency.
  • Learn about Probation Services and Juvenile Detention.

  • finalJC2___Get_Answers

    Get Answers

    Find out what to do if:

  • You have received a letter from the court
  • Your child has been arrested
  • The court has issued a warrant for your child's arrest
  • Your child is out of control

    Find answers to more Frequently Asked Questions.


    JC3___Info_for_VisitorsInformation for Visitors

  • Get directions to Juvenile Court.
  • Learn what to wear to court.
  • Find out what accommodations (food service, child care, etc.) are available.
  • Find out what to bring and what not to bring to court.
  • Find out when to appear for your hearing.