U.S. Senator John Cornyn
United States Senator, Texas
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Sen. Cornyn Visits South Texas In Dolly Aftermath

Will Work With State And Local Officials To Assist With Recovery

Thursday, July 24, 2008

McAllen—U.S. Sen. Cornyn, R-Texas, was in South Texas today, where he visited areas impacted by Hurricane Dolly and met with local elected and emergency management officials. Sen. Cornyn said he is committed to ensuring that the federal government assists families, businesses and local governments with the recovery effort.

Following a request yesterday from Senators Hutchison and Cornyn to expedite Governor Perry’s request for a federal emergency declaration, President Bush announced this morning that 15 counties in Texas would be eligible for emergency federal assistance. To reinforce the need for swift and comprehensive federal relief, Senator Cornyn today contacted Admiral Harvey Johnson, Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who assured him that FEMA is on hand and responding in the hurricane’s aftermath.

“Hurricane Dolly inflicted significant damage across South Texas, but Texans—as they always do—are already stepping up to the challenge and helping their friends and neighbors recover. I intend to make sure the federal government does its part as well. I appreciate how quickly President Bush responded to our request and issued an emergency declaration for the impacted areas. It will allow local governments to quickly access federal funds for recovery efforts,” Sen. Cornyn said. “I’m encouraged to see the resources are already in motion to help with the recovery effort. I will continue to do what I can to help the residents and communities of South Texas get back on their feet.”

Finally, Senator Cornyn said today that this latest hurricane highlights the importance for Congress to pass his legislation that would allow county governments in the Valley to make immediate repairs to their outdated levee system, and be reimbursed by the federal government at a later date. Senator Cornyn sent a letter earlier this week to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging him to bring the levee-repair bill to the Senate floor swiftly for consideration.

“The levee system of the Rio Grande Valley—intended to protect homes and businesses from flooding—is outdated and repairs are long overdue. I introduced legislation earlier this year that would allow local government entities in the Valley to begin making repairs to the levees to protect Texas families and businesses against flooding. The most important component of this bill is that it enables local officials to proceed with immediate repairs. Yet, with Hurricane Dolly’s arrival and hurricane season upon us, this important bill remains stalled in the Senate. I’m hopeful the Majority Leader will grant my request and call this bill to the floor, so we can prevent serious damage and harm to homes, businesses, and residents in the Valley,” Sen. Cornyn said.

July 2008 News Releases

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