NAMI of Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.
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Victory on Parity

NAMI applauds bipartisan mental illness insurance parity bill.
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Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
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NAMI FaithNet: Hikers, Blueberries & Red Arrows
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ImageEstablished in 1978 as D.C. Threshold, NAMI DC has been serving the families of persons with mental illness in the nation's capital for over a quarter century.

Our education, support and advocacy efforts include offering information on mental illnesses, family support groups, and consumer support groups. We aim not only to assist families in times of acute crisis, but also to accompany consumers and families through all the cycles of recovery.

Via our many connections throughout the Washington, D.C. community, we work with other patients' rights, consumer advocacy, and mental illness advocacy groups to make sure that D.C. citizens affected by mental illness receive the best possible support in their times of need.

Please click on the links to the left to navigate our site and learn more about our programs and services.




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