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Budget Justification
FY 2001

  Global Programs
Democracy and Governance
Economic Growth and Agricultural Development
Environment, Energy and Urban Development
Human Capacity Development
Population, Health and Nutrition
Women in Development
Program Development and Strategic Planning
Development Credit Programs

Humanitarian Response

Policy and Program Coordination


Abbreviations & Acronyms

Last updated: Monday, 18-Sep-2000 11:08:23 EDT


Bureau for Global Programs,
Field Support and Research

The Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research (Global) addresses worldwide issues, such as environmental protection, population growth and infectious diseases; and supports USAID's six goal areas. Global has five Centers of Excellence: Democracy and Governance; Economic Growth and Agricultural Development; Environment; Human Resources Development; and Population, Health, and Nutrition; and the Office of Women in Development. Global is the home bureau for the Agency's technical expertise and provides much of the Agency's capacity to (1) conduct research and provide technical leadership; (2) liaise with the State Department, National Security Council and Congress on policy issues and major new initiatives; (3) support for field missions; and (4) advance partnerships with U.S. groups.

Home to technical professionals: Global backstops the Agency's technical staff and helps recruit new technical experts, assign technical officers, and provide in-service training to keep technical officers up-to-date in their fields. Global has been very active this year helping the Agency's Human Resource Office bring on and train those selected for USAID's New Entry Program.

Research and technical leadership: Global supports the development, testing, and dissemination of new technologies that address technical problems to program implementation in developing countries. Global manages over 80 percent of the Agency's research activities in population, health, nutrition, and education, and all agricultural research conducted through the international research centers and U.S. universities.

Liaison with others: As part of its technical leadership function, Global helps shape new USG initiatives within the executive branch, such as recent increased funding for HIV/AIDS and basic education to combat abusive child labor and coordinates these with Congress and other donors. Global also provides Congress with extensive annual reports on a wide-variety of subjects, such as the Agency's child survival and micro-enterprise activities.

Field support: Global backstops technical officers overseas and assists USAID's field missions access technical expertise through a wide variety of contractual mechanisms. Hundreds of millions of dollars of mission funds flow through G mechanisms each year to help design, implement, and evaluate field activities.

Advancing partnerships: Global maintains close relationships with the U.S. university community (land grant universities, historically black colleges, and six major higher education associations) and the cooperative movement.
