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Department of Human Services
Adding Place of Death Address Change Passwords Correctly
PO Box & Unknown Addresses Printing Certified Copies
Update the Biometric Software Searching Facility Names
EDRS Drop to Paper Function
Removing Saved Overrides
Completing Place of Death
Adding Place of Death Address
Place of Death is Decedent’s Residence - Hospice
As a result of recent legislation, we have added a new item in the EDRS drop-down list for Type of Place of Death, named Decedent’s Residence-Hospice.  This is used when a person dies at home but is under hospice care.  (In these situations, the Medical Examiner does not need to be notified of the death.)  Currently, the EDRS software does not autofill the decedent’s address when selecting this item, so you need to add it manually.  (We are working with our vendor to have the address autofill, but it’s not yet available.)  However, the address fields are initially locked when selecting Decedent’s Residence-Hospice so you need to unlock them.  Here’s how to do this:
  1. After selecting "Decedent's Residence-Hospice", click on the lookup button at the right of the Facility Name field.  The lookup button has a downward-pointing arrow on it.
  2. When the lookup window opens, click on the "Clear" button at the bottom.  This unlocks the fields.
  3. Leave the facility name field blank.
  4. Add the proper information to the place of death address.
Adult Foster Homes and other facilities
This same technique will also work to add a facility (such as an adult foster home) that is not in the drop down list.  In these cases, please include the facility name into the appropriate field, in addition to the address.  You will receive an error message, stating that the facility does not exist in the database, which you will need to override.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

PO Box & Unknown Addresses
How to enter Post Office Box and/or Unknown addresses in OVERS.
There has been some confusion about entering Post Office Box information into EBRS or EDRS.  This tip discusses how to enter these appropriately.
To enter a Post Office box, you need to leave the following fields blank:
  • Street Number (We have previously said that you can put a hyphen in this field to avoid having to save an override, but this is causing some troubles behind the scenes.  Please leave this blank from now on.)
  • Pre Directional and Post Directional
  • Street Designator and Apartment Number.
In the Street Name Field, enter the Post Office Box in the following format:  “P.O. Box XXXXX” without quotes and substituting the correct box number for the XXXXX. See the example below for how this should appear.
When you validate the record, you will receive an error message indicating that you left the street number field blank.  Please save an override on this error by marking the Override checkbox, then clicking the Save Overrides button.  When you next validate the record, the system will continue to note the error, so the field will remain yellow.  But it will note that you saved the override and let you certify the record, assuming everything else is fine.
The example below also shows how you should enter a residence address where the residence is unknown.  This may happen if the person is homeless or if they refuse to provide the information.  You can enter “Unknown” (without quotes) in those fields where you don’t have information.  You can also enter 99999 to indicate an unknown zip code.  In all of these situations, you should make your best guess as to City, County and State, rather than list them as “Unknown.”  In the case of a homeless person, put the City and County where they were found, if you have no other information.  Finally, you should never enter a Post Office box in a Residence Address field; mark the fields “Unknown” as appropriate.
Please let us know if you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of the OVERS project.
Screenshot link

Update the Biometric Software
Early EDRS users may need to update their biometric device software
As a result of a recent emergency EDRS software update, some early users of the system may need to update their biometric (fingerprint) reader software.  This will primarily be those who began using the system before January 1, 2007.  This note describes the error message that indicates you need to upgrade the biometric software and how to perform this update.
If your system is working normally, and you are able to sign death certificates, then you do not need to do anything different.
The issue shows up when you try to sign a death certificate with the fingerprint reader.  If you are using the oldest version of the biometric software, you may receive an error message stating:
iexplore.exe - .NET Framework Initialization Error
To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework:  v2.0.50727

Contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.
If receive this message, you can download this needed software from within the EDRS application itself.
To download the software, login to EDRS.  Then go to Main Menu > Help > Biometric Setup Files.  This will open a small window.  You want to select the first link under "2. Biometric Interface & Security Setup".  This link is named BiometricInstallForDAVE.exe and the text indicates that it is the "Full biometric install, includes .NET 2.0 Framework."  (Do not download the BiometricInstallForDAVEMinimum.exe file.  This will not update your system correctly.)  When you click on the link, it will ask you to select Run, Save or Cancel.  We suggest you select Save, then save it on your Desktop or other location where you can easily find the file.
After the file has finished downloading, log out of EDRS and close the Internet Explorer browser.  Locate the BiometricInstallForDAVE.exe file that you just downloaded and double-click on it to run the file.  Then click on the Install button to install the software.  This file may take a few minutes to run.
Once this file is completed, there is a setting you need to double-check to ensure your fingerprint signature will be recognized by DAVE.  To do this, click on Start > Programs (sometimes labeled All Programs) > Biometric Install for DAVE > Fingerprint Sensor Settings.  This is the utility program for the biometric device.  After the program opens, check the box near the top left labeled, "Sensor Orientation."  If this is not set to '90 degrees,' please use the drop-down tool and select '90 degrees.'  Click "Apply" and then click "OK" to close the program.
You should now be able to use your biometric device with the EDRS software.  If you are still unable to use your biometric device, please call us at 971-673-0279.  We also suggest that you run Windows Update at some point after this installation, to ensure that you have any security updates that Microsoft may have published for the .NET 2.0 software.  You can find Windows Update in the Tools Menu of Internet Explorer.

EDRS Drop to Paper Function
When to use - and when not to use - the EDRS Drop to Paper function
We get many questions about this, so we wanted to clarify the EDRS Drop to Paper functionality.  Inadvertently using the Drop to Paper link may cause problems for other system users, prevent you from making any updates and possibly require you to start an entirely new case.
The EDRS Drop to Paper function is only used when the other party to the death certificate (normally the medical certifier) is not using EDRS.  If you need a copy of the certificate for your records, or any other purpose, you should select the Working Copy option.
If the medical certifier is an EDRS user, you will normally never Drop the case to Paper.  (You can check if the certifier is using EDRS by seeing if their name appears in the Request Medical Certification lookup box.  If their name is there, they are using EDRS.  If their name does not appear, cancel the Medical Certification Request and perform the Drop to Paper.)  The Drop to Paper function allows funeral homes to benefit from completing their portion of the death certificate online, while accommodating those certifiers who are not yet using EDRS.  As more medical certifiers begin using EDRS, the Drop to Paper records will decrease.  (Oregon’s EDRS also supports the medical certifier completing their portion electronically and then performing a Drop to Paper Medical if the funeral home is not using the system.  This is generally only used by Medical Examiners.)
You cannot perform a Drop to Paper until you have completed your portion of the certificate, including the electronic signature.  When you click on the Drop to Paper link, the electronic record is then locked and the printed certificate becomes the legal document.  The record is locked because the paper copy must match what is already on file and signed electronically.  So the only way to complete a Drop to Paper certificate is to have the medical certifier fill out the paper document, which you then send to your local registrar in the usual fashion.
Significant problems arise if the medical certifier is using the system and has started working on a record, but then the Drop to Paper link is selected.  When this occurs, the case is locked and the medical certifier no longer has access to the electronic record.  In our next system update, we are adding functionality that will disable the Drop to Paper link if the record has a medical owner, so this should greatly decrease this problem.  But until that upgrade happens, please take care to not inadvertently click the Drop to Paper link.
What if I’ve inadvertently selected Drop to Paper?
Give our office a call at 971-673-0279.  In some circumstances we can remove the lock on the record and allow electronic access again.  If we’re not able to do that, we can discuss what options remain.
What if I need to make a change after selecting Drop to Paper?
If you have not yet printed and/or sent the certificate to the medical certifier, you can call our office at 971-673-0279.  If we are able to remove the lock, you will be able to enter the record, make your changes, re-sign, and then perform another Drop to Paper.  You will need to destroy (by shredding, etc.) the original Drop to Paper certificate.
If the Drop to Paper certificate is already being completed by the medical certifier, do not make any changes directly to the certificate.  Complete a paper Correction Affidavit for the changes you wish to make and forward that Affidavit to your local registrar, along with the original certificate.  The registrar will make the corrections to the paper certificate so your certified copies will reflect the change.  The Drop to Paper certificate and the affidavit will then be forwarded to our office and we will make the necessary changes to the electronic record.
Any further questions about Drop to Paper or the EDRS project?
Please call our office at 971-673-0279 and we will be glad to answer those for you.

Removing Saved Overrides
Removing saved overrides
Occasionally you may need to remove an override that was previously saved on a field.  For example, you may have entered “Unknown” in a field (such as city of birth) and saved an override so you could continue processing the certificate.  Then you find out the correct information at some later point and wish to update the record.  If you were to simply replace the information and save it, the override would still show in the record; overrides that are manually placed must be manually removed.  This tip shows you how to remove the overrides.
You can remove a saved override as long as the record has not yet registered.  (If it has been registered then you will need to submit a correction affidavit, either electronically through DAVE or on paper.)  If you have signed the record, you must first unsign it by going to the Sign page, clicking on the Unsign button, then confirming that you wish to unsign the record.  (Medical certifiers will go to the Certify page and select the Uncertify button.)  This will then allow you to edit your information.
To remove an override, enter the correct information in the appropriate field, then:
  1. Uncheck the Override box
  2. Click the Save Overrides button
  3. Click the Validate Page button
In the example below, Ft. Collins was originally entered as the birthplace city.  This gave an error for the city not being valid in Colorado and this error was originally overridden.  To clear the override, first enter the correct information (Fort Collins) in the birthplace city field.  Next, uncheck the Override box, ensuring that it is empty, then click the Save Overrides button.  Finally, save the information and revalidate the record by clicking the Validate Page button.  (This button will both saves the information on the page and validates the record.)  The system will then notice the correct information and remove the associated error message.
Screenshot link

Completing Place of Death
Funeral directors can complete place of death information
The place of death information is used for two different purposes in DAVE, in addition to its inclusion on the death certificate.  First, the county of death information will print on the disposition permit.  Second, the information is used to determine which county registrar should have access for printing certified copies, retaining the death abstract, etc.
Legally the place of death is considered medical information.  Oregon, however, has long recognized that funeral directors normally know this information, rather than the medical certifier.  For this reason, the place of death information is located in the upper half of the paper death certificate, to be completed by the funeral director.  However, in DAVE, the Place of Death page shows in the Medical Certification portion of the record, in accordance with national standards about separating personal and medical information.
Funeral home users do have access to the Place of Death page in DAVE, until the record is dropped to paper or referred to a medical certifier.  This page can be reached by continuing to click the Next button after completing the personal section.  Alternatively, you can go to it directly by clicking on the link in the left menu.  Make sure to Save the information on your current page before using the left menu to go to any other page.
If funeral directors complete the place of death information prior to making the medical certification referral or dropping to paper:
1) County registrars will have quicker electronic access to the record;
2) The county of death will print on the disposition permit; and
3) The place of death will print on the drop-to-paper version of the death certificate.
(Screenshot of place of death page.)

Change Passwords Correctly
Ensuring your password changes correctly
When changing a password in a computer application, many of us are accustomed to first entering the old password, then entering the new password once or twice, and finally hitting the Enter key to save the new password.  If you do this in DAVE (the OVERS software), your password will not be changed.  You may then log out of the system while thinking your password has changed.
The proper way to change your password in DAVE is to enter your old password, your new password, and confirm your new password.  Then click on the Save button; do not hit the Enter key.  This will ensure that your new password is saved in DAVE.  (Screenshot of DAVE change password page.)
If you need to find the change password page, go to the left menu and select Main, then Change Password
If you receive a message that you have exceeded the invalid login limit, please call the OVERS office at (971) 673-1195, -1196 or -1197 and ask for someone to reset your account.

Printing Certified Copies
Ensuring certified copies print correctly
Adobe Acrobat* is used for printing various forms in DAVE, including certified copies of records.  You may need to change an Acrobat print setting in order to make the certificates print correctly on the intaglio paper.
Among the Acrobat print settings is an option called Page Scaling, which can be used to re-size the printed document.  (This may be labeled slightly differently in different Acrobat versions.)  By default, this option is set to Reduce to printer margins, in order to ensure the pdf file fits within the printed page.  However, this causes problems when printing on intaglio paper, which has specific spaces for certain items to print.  This setting causes the Date Issued to print far above the line that is pre-printed on the intaglio paper.  In some cases, the date may even print over the certification text that appears directly above.
To correct this, the pdf page scaling must be set to none.  To do this, look for the Page Handling box on the left side of the Print window when you print a pdf file.  You should see the Page Scaling option.  Click on the downward arrow at the right of the field and then change the setting to None.  (Screenshot of pdf print window.)  When you click on OK, your setting change will be saved and your document will print.
It is normally only necessary to do this once, as Acrobat will remember your change.  If you do install any Acrobat updates or change versions you will have to re-do these instructions, as the update will change the settings back to the default values.
(* "Adobe" and "Acrobat" are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.)

Searching Facility Names
Searching Place of Death Facility Names
We recently found a handy technique for searching the place of death facility names lookup list.  Sometimes you may not know how the facility name appears in the list, which makes the search more difficult.  This tends to be particularly true for adult foster homes, which are listed by their legal license name which is often not their commonly-known name.  (Adult foster homes tend to be licensed in the owners name.)  This tip allows you to search for any information - name, address or city - that appears in the list, using the standard Internet Explorer Find feature.
To do this, on the Place of Death page, select the appropriate type of place of death, then click on the lookup button (with the down-facing arrow) at the right of the facility name field.  This will open a list of all places of the selected type.  If you know the legal name of the facility, you can search in this window, but it only searches by name.
To search all of the fields in the facility name list, use the Internet Explorer Find tool.  To do this, once the facility name list is open, press the Ctrl and F keys simultaneously, or select Edit > Find from the Internet Explorer menu.  This will open a small Find dialog box and in this box you can enter any text and the entire facility list will be searched.  In the example below, I knew that the adult foster home was on Raymond street in Portland, so I entered Raymond in the Find box and clicked the Next button.  This type of search will find all instances of the text, so it may not find the right one the first time.  Simply click the Next button to find the next instance of the text and repeat until you find the facility you're looking for.  Once you find it, go ahead and close the Find dialog box, then click the Select link to enter the information into your DAVE record.
Because the Find feature searches all lookup window data, you can search for all or part of a name, any part of a street address, the city, etc.!
Screenshot of finding fields in facility place drop-down list.

Page updated: June 27, 2008

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