United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Compensated Work Therapy


Answers for Employers, Manufacturers & Governmental Agencies

Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) provides a cost effective means of achieving your company's production goals of managing costs and improving service delivery, while maintaining high quality standards. 

Quality Standards
CWT staff promotes Quality Right behavior for all associated stakeholders; demanding only the highest in quality workmanship and performance.  CWT welcomes an opportunity to work with you to develop and meet your company's specific quality goals. Many of our programs are CARF accredited and work with ISO9000 certified companies.   

The CWT veteran labor force is available to help you meet peak or unexpected workload demands. 

Cost Management   

1. Readily available competitive, semi-skilled and skilled labor for short term and permanent assignments.

  • CWT is a national vocational rehabilitation program that assists veterans return to competitive employment; making a living wage and building their self esteem while contribution to the community.  
  • Veteran workers are pre-screened and matched to the specific job requirement.
  • There is little risk for industry working with the CWT transitional work program.  The employer/employee relationship is non-existent, and there is no mandated obligation to hire the veteran.  However, veterans typically demonstrate their value to the participating company which often results in permanent hires.
  • With the CWT transitional work program there are none of the normal employee costs like health care, sick or vacation leave, and workers compensation insurance.
  • Working with the CWT program can reduce your Company's overhead costs.             

2. How does CWT reduce overhead costs?

  • By providing temporary staffing at your facility, eliminating your cost for workers compensation insurance, vacation and sick time, FICA, and job vacancy advertising. 
  • Training and employee assistance are provided at no cost to the company.
  • Comprehensive medical costs are covered by the Veterans Administration.                  
  • Work can also be completed in one of our facilities, if workshop services are provided, reducing demands on your space, utilities, inventory and time.      

3. Delivery

  •   CWT programs with sheltered workshops and available trucking typically provide local delivery at a nominal cost.

 4. Storage         

  • Many CWT programs with sheltered workshops are able to provide temporary storage solutions.                 
  • Where available, permanent storage can be arranged at a nominal cost.