2004 Photography Judges

Lane Eskew is an editor with the Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. Evaluating photographs submitted by authors for publication is an integral part of Lane's job. Outdoor magazines, books, brochures, and other media have published Lane's photographs over the past 14 years.

Barbara Menzel is a computer programmer for the USDA Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center, Fort Collins, CO. She has been an amateur photographer for almost 16 years. The 2004 Cheyenne Frontier Days Quicksilver Photography Show in Cheyenne, WY, recently displayed a collection of her photographs.

Jim Saveland is an assistant director for research at the Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO, has been with the agency for more than 25 years. The first half of Jim's career was in fire management, including assignments on a district fire crew and as a smokejumper. The second half of Jim's career has been in Research and Development, where he was a project leader at the Macon fire laboratory and the national program leader for fire systems research in the Washington office before accepting his current position..

2004 Safety Experts

Mike Apicello, a public affairs officer with the National Interagency Fire Center, Boise, ID, has been with the USDA Forest Service for more than 28 years. Most of Mike's career has been in fire, forestry, and public affairs. His professional experience includes crew foreman and boss, smokejumper, type 1 information officer, national safety officer, and national public affairs officer.

Tammy Denney, a webmaster for Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Managment, Washington, DC, has been with the agency for more than 17 years. As webmaster, Tammy develops and designs specialized fire-related communication materials for a broad audience. Her diversified experience includes national contracting, budger and fiscal management, public affairs, wildland fire safety, and fuels program analysis.

Stan Underwood a program manager with the Forest Service, Content Analysis Service Center, Salt Lake City, UT, has been with the agency for 33 years. Stan's fire related assignments have included work as a smokejumper and as a program manager in silviculture and fire, in addition to numerous suppression assignments in various red-carded positions, including safety and incident commander type 3. He has also served as an operations section chief on a type 2 incident management team since 1989.

Thank you very much for your time and your expertise!