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Table 8.7
Year 2004 discharges from DETOXIFICATION1
by age at first use, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 26 States and jurisdictions that offered substance abuse detoxification and reported these data to TEDS.]
Age at first use Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 211,161 131,476 28,706 160,182 34,570 4,512 11,897
12 years or under  20,641  12,740  3,457  16,197  2,814   538  1,092
13 to 14 years  23,365  14,969  3,327  18,296  3,296   538  1,235
15 to 16 years  35,530  23,490  4,247  27,737  5,068   771  1,954
17 to 18 years  30,915  20,936  3,069  24,005  4,636   682  1,592
19 to 20 years  16,507  10,607  1,805  12,412  2,869   423    803
21 to 25 years  23,554  15,029  2,822  17,851  4,197   643    863
Over 25 years  27,718  17,189  3,760  20,949  5,429   719    621
No. of discharges  178,230 114,960 22,487 137,447 28,309 4,314  8,160
Column percent
12 years or under  11.6  11.1  15.4  11.8   9.9  12.5  13.4
13 to 14 years  13.1  13.0  14.8  13.3  11.6  12.5  15.1
15 to 16 years  19.9  20.4  18.9  20.2  17.9  17.9  23.9
17 to 18 years  17.3  18.2  13.6  17.5  16.4  15.8  19.5
19 to 20 years   9.3   9.2   8.0   9.0  10.1   9.8   9.8
21 to 25 years  13.2  13.1  12.5  13.0  14.8  14.9  10.6
Over 25 years  15.6  15.0  16.7  15.2  19.2  16.7   7.6
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
12 years or under 100.0  61.7  16.7  78.5  13.6   2.6   5.3
13 to 14 years 100.0  64.1  14.2  78.3  14.1   2.3   5.3
15 to 16 years 100.0  66.1  12.0  78.1  14.3   2.2   5.5
17 to 18 years 100.0  67.7   9.9  77.6  15.0   2.2   5.1
19 to 20 years 100.0  64.3  10.9  75.2  17.4   2.6   4.9
21 to 25 years 100.0  63.8  12.0  75.8  17.8   2.7   3.7
Over 25 years 100.0  62.0  13.6  75.6  19.6   2.6   2.2
Total  100.0  64.5  12.6  77.1  15.9   2.4   4.6
Median length of stay (days)
12 years or under   3   3   4   2   2   1
13 to 14 years   3   3   4   2   2   1
15 to 16 years   2   2   4   2   2   1
17 to 18 years   2   3   4   2   2   1
19 to 20 years   3   3   4   2   3   1
21 to 25 years   3   4   4   2   3   1
Over 25 years   4   4   4   2   3   2
Total    3   3   4     2   2   1
Average length of stay (days)
12 years or under  15  10  30  23  14  14
13 to 14 years  16  10  39  22  22   7
15 to 16 years  13   9  36  17  17   5
17 to 18 years  10   7  22  14  16   6
19 to 20 years  10   6  25  12  14   6
21 to 25 years   9   7  21   8  13  11
Over 25 years   9   8  14   8  14  11
Total   12   8  27    14  16   8
1 Includes free-standing residential detoxification (n = 189,870; 90 percent), hospital detoxification (n = 14,672; 7 percent), and ambulatory detoxification (n = 6,619; 3 percent). Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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