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Our Mission is to introduce a broad genetic base for tropical and subtropical horticultural crops believed to have economic potential in warm humid regions of the United States or its territories.

Evaluate the introduced populations for their genetic structure, horticultural variation, and botanical characteristics.

Preserve a diverse sub-set representing a broad genetic base for each crop.
Distribute the material to research scientist, botanical gardens, nurserymen and parks as is appropriate.

National Germplasm Repository

The National Germplasm Repository is one of eighteen such repositories in the NPGS. The NGR-Miami shares responsibility with Mayaguez - Puerto Rico, for maintaining the U.S. clonal collections of mango, avocado, banana and plantain, tropical citrus, annonas, sugarcane and related grasses, palms, Tripsacum, and a few other relatively minor tropical crops.

Germplasm Holdings:

The NGR-Miami maintains approximately 6000 accessions. The majority of the holdings (3500) are in the major fruit and grass collections. The remaining 2500 accessions are ornamental, chemurgic, and spice introductions from tropical and subtropical areas of the world. These plants are a unique collection and requests for material come from many scientific disciplines. Small quantities of germplasm are distributed to bona fide scientists for research purposes.

Germplasm Image Gallery

Before requesting germplasm, please review  the following conditions that may apply :


****SHRS Germplasm Distribution Policy**** 


The National Clonal Germplasm Repository distributes small quantities of germplasm to bona fide researchers, and to nurseries. Distributions can consist of seed, budwood, cuttings, corms, tubers or divisions. Whole plants are seldomly distributed. There is no charge for the plant material; however, shipping costs other than surface mail (i.e., overnight courier), as well as fees for phytosanitary certificates (if required) must be borne by the recepient. Specially grown material, such as in vitro, hydroponically, or special media, cannot be provided. The germplasm provided is not certified, and usually not tested for pathogens or viability. See below.

Some types of germplasm cannot be shipped to certain states, regions or countries, because of the risk of certain pests or pathogens. 

Since we are a clonal and not a seed repository, distributions of fruit or seeds are seasonal, and only available for a short period while they are on the tree. Tropical seed usually has a short period of viability, therefore we cannot store seed. 

Occasionally, germplasm may be provided to hobbyists or private individuals, or students, but only when this material is not commercially available. This is reviewed on an individual basis. We encourage the public to check their local nurseries before requesting materials. Upon request we may be able to provide names of local nurseries, however, this should not be regarded as any kind of endorsement. 

Please understand that it is difficult for us to fulfill requests on short notice. Initial inquiries should be sent by email, letter, or preferably submitted through the grin website. 

International (this may also apply to certain states in the U.S.) Germplasm can be sent around the world, provided the proper documentation, such as Import Permits, or any other required forms or paperwork, are presented where needed. This documentation must include the country's phytosanitary requirements for import, in English. We must adhere to local and international regulations for each state or country. Without the proper documentation germplasm cannot and will not be shipped. 


1.  Distributions will be made quarterly, during the third week of January, April, July, October.  Distributions outside of this schedule will be filled at the curator’s discretion. 

2.  A maximum of 20 accessions will be provided per each quarterly distribution.  

3.  Material will only be shipped surface mail, unless an overnight courier account number is provided by the requesting individual or institution.  We recommend  overnight delivery of budwood and unrooted cuttings, but do not have the resources to cover shipping cost on these items. 

4.  If a phytosanitary certificate is required, the state of Florida now charges the Repository $50.00.  The requesting individual or institution is responsible for this charge if applicable.


To request germplasm click here

View our Germplasm Image Gallery

Plant Sciences Home
Cacao Project
Theobroma cacao microsatellite primers
Final Marker Data
Cacao Database*
* Goes to a non-federal site
Last Modified: 05/30/2008
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