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What You Need To Know About™ Stomach Cancer
    Posted: 08/30/2005


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Follow-up Care

Follow-up care after treatment for stomach cancer is important. Even when there are no longer any signs of cancer, the disease sometimes returns because undetected cancer cells remained somewhere in the body after treatment. Your doctor will monitor your recovery and check for recurrence of the cancer. Checkups help ensure that any changes in your health are noted and treated if needed. Checkups may include a physical exam, lab tests, x-rays, CT scans, endoscopy, or other tests. Between scheduled visits, you should contact the doctor if you have any health problems.

Facing Forward Series: Life After Cancer Treatment is an NCI booklet for people who have finished their treatment. It answers questions about follow-up care and other concerns. It has tips for making the best use of medical visits. It also suggests ways to talk with the doctor about making a plan of action for recovery and future health.

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