USDA Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Advances in Threat Assessment and Their Application to Forest and Rangeland Management

July 18-20, 2006 Millennium Harvest House Hotel
Boulder, Colorado

North America’s forests and rangelands face many environmental threats that often act in concert and with no regard for land ownership or administrative boundaries. As such, they are difficult to identify and anticipate, much less manage or control. Natural and anthropogenic threats to forests and rangelands include:

- invasive species,
- insects,
- diseases,
- uncharacteristic fire,
- severe weather,
- climate change,
- and wildland loss.


Policymakers, property owners, and land managers need improved scientific knowledge and tools to help them better manage the risk associated with these threats.


You are invited to attend a conference aimed at addressing this need.


For more information, visit


USDA Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Monday, 15 May 2006 at 14:33:43 EDT

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