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Performance Measures

2007 Rating Green

Price of Service

Pie chart showing price of service measure
Performance Key

This roll-up measure summarizes the degree DNRP is achieving its Price of Service goal:

Be efficient, effective and fiscally responsible to ensure ratepayer value.

2007 results

DNRP's rating for the performance measures that support this goal is a yellow — signifying results are within 10 of target.

Areas under this goal where DNRP performed well:

  • Entrepreneurial and Enterprise revenue.

Areas under this goal where DNRP performance approaches target:

  • Rates and Fees
  • Efficiency
  • Employee Work Practices and Safety

Key influencing factors

Since 2002, the Parks Division has been empowered to engage in "good-government" initiatives and embrace non-traditional ways of doing business. This transformation from a centrally funded service provider to an entrepreneurial, performance-driven organization has help ensure that parks serve to enhance communities and the region's high quality of life, even during tight fiscal times.

The Wastewater Treatment Division has developed a productivity initiative pilot program, a joint labor and management effort within the division that could save ratepayers as much as $67 million over 10 years. The pilot program allows employee flexibility to apply some business practices used in private industry to cut operating costs, increase productivity and continue a high level of service and environmental protection for county residents.

The Solid Waste Division has evaluated a range of options to increase efficiencies in support of stable rates. Transfer stations have been reconfigured to reduce staffing requirements, while outreach and partnership efforts have led to higher levels of residential recycling and lower residential solid waste volumes.

Strategies going forward

All DNRP divisions will continue to explore and implement opportunities to increase operational efficiencies. Capital investments are being made with an eye toward energy efficiency and reducing operations and maintenance costs.

The Wastewater Treatment Division has expanded its pilot productivity initiative to include capital projects. The Solid Waste Division has plans to reduce contracting costs by bringing recyclable materials hauling in-house, while the Parks Division will continue building partnerships to enhance revenue generation and reduce operation and maintenance costs.

DNRP is enhancing training efforts to further build workforce capacity.

More information about King County's Efficiency, Rates and Fees, Employees, and Entrepreneurial Revenue is available by continuing to the pages for these measures:

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  • Other reliable environmental data sources for King County
  • Adjustments to the weightings for indicators and performance measures
  • Mistakes to fix

Share your thoughts by sending an e-mail to Richard Gelb, DNRP Performance Measurement Lead, at so your input can be considered for subsequent updates.

Updated: July 7, 2008