FLEXE Teacher Blog: Jill Grace

FLEXE Teacher-At-Sea Jill Grace
FLEXE Teacher-At-Sea Jill Grace

Read the blog entries from Teacher-At-Sea Jill Grace about life (and research!) at sea. The cruise sails 8 - 23 December 2007. Please check back then to read and respond to her blog.

Ms. Grace teaches 7th grade science in Palos Verdes, CA. Read more…

6 Responses to “FLEXE Teacher Blog: Jill Grace”

  1. Padmini K. Says:

    Hi Jill,
    I am really excited for you and here is wishing you lots of fun time!

  2. Katrina M. Says:

    Hi Jill,
    We are all eagerly awaiting the first blog from your adventure. I wish you the best, most educational, life-enriching experience possible. I know you will return with stories that students will enjoy for many years to come. We sure miss you already here at school and you’ve only been gone two days!
    Much love from PV,

  3. marinebiogeek Says:

    Sandy checked the weather and mantioned it might be a little bumy out there! Can’t wait to hear from ya! Robyn PVIS

  4. Eric S. Says:

    Hi Jill,

    Much excitement was focused on the “Dan Cam” at the onset of the cruise. Is it operational?

    Also, the samples that are taken in these depths … what seals are used on the “bottles” and what pressure do they have to hold? What temperatures are the equipment experiencing with these samples? Are they corrosive, toxic or pre-sampled for appropriateness of the containers?

    Wish Val and Steve a great dive tomorrow!

    Thanks for your journalistic ambition!

    God Bless you all and smile upon your aspirations.

  5. jrr Says:

    hi Mrs grace i have just been wondering if you have seen any hubble squid where you are because i saw a TV show on them and saw where they were found and wondered if you can see any of them.

    the reason im asking you this is because on the map they were found very close to you.

    well anyways i hope it was a very fun trip and you saw some pretty coll stuff.

    hope you had a lot of fun and learned a lot about the ocean.

    i hope to see you at school tommorow.


    JR period 2

  6. scott9502 Says:

    Hi Mrs. Grace I’m Scott. I was wondering if you saw any whales..because whales are my favourite sea mammals. I asked this because I’m going to study about whales when I grow up.
    I hope you had a great time and fun on the ship. See you at the school.
    Scott per5

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