
Aqua Brochure - "Aqua," Latin for "water," is a NASA satellite mission named for the large amount of information that it is collecting about the Earth's water cycle, including evaporation from the oceans, water vapor in the atmosphere, clouds, precipitation, soil moisture, sea ice, land ice and snow cover on the land and ice. Additional variables also being measured by Aqua include radiative energy fluxes, aerosols, land vegetation cover, phytoplankton and dissolved organic matter in the oceans and air, land and water temperatures. This brochure provides a comprehensive overview of the Aqua spacecraft, instruments, science and data products. Recommended for: post secondary and as a resource for informal educators.

CERES - Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Brochure - This brochure gives a brief description of the science research that is being done with data from the CERES instrument flying onboard NASA's Terra satellite. It also contains information about some of the data products and technical specifications. Recommended for: undergraduate, graduate and professional.

GRACE Brochure - Gravity controls everything from the motion of the ocean tides to the expansion of the entire universe. To learn more about the mysteries of gravity, twin NASA satellites named GRACE, short for the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, are making detailed measurements of Earth's gravity field. This experiment could lead to discoveries about gravity and Earth's natural systems, which could have substantial benefits for society and the world's population. Recommended for: post secondary and resource for informal educators.

ICESat: Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite - The mission brochure for NASA's ICESat, which was launched January 12, 2003. ICESat is the benchmark Earth Observing System mission for measuring ice sheet mass balance, cloud and aerosol heights, as well as land topography and vegetation characteristics. Recommended for: college/university instructors and students; informal educators.

Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Brochure - This brochure gives a brief description of the science research that is being done with data from the MOPPITT instrument flying onboard NASA's Terra satellite. It also identifies some of the data products, as well as gives some technical specifications. Recommended for: undergraduate, graduate - professionals.

MODIS Brochure - The first NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite, called Terra, was launched on December 18, 1999, carrying five remote sensors. The most comprehensive EOS sensor is MODIS, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. MODIS offers a unique combination of features: it detects a wide spectral range of electromagnetic energy; it takes measurements at three spatial resolutions (levels of detail); it takes measurements all day, every day; and it has a wide field of view. This continual, comprehensive coverage allows MODIS to complete an electromagnetic picture of the globe every two days. Recommended for: postsecondary and resource for informal educators.