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Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Sunday, July 20, 2008


Gutierrez on Colombia’s Independence Day: The Time to Vote on the U.S. Colombia Free Trade Agreement is Now

WASHINGTON—U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the following statement on the occasion of Colombia’s Independence Day with a call to Congress to schedule a vote on the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement:

“Freedom and democracy go hand in hand. As our nation celebrates with our Colombian friends and allies on their independence day, we reflect on the remarkable progress that they have made toward stability, social justice and peace. These are developments that all Americans should be proud to support. When Colombia is strong, secure and prosperous, so is the Western Hemisphere.

“Supporting the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement will not only help our exporters but help keep Colombia on the course toward the peace and prosperity they celebrate today and have fought so hard to achieve.

“Colombia is a proud and independent democracy with a rich cultural heritage. The Colombian people should take great pride in their success as they continue to reduce violence and combat terrorism. Only weeks ago the Colombian government successfully rescued from terrorists 15 hostages, including three Americans. The valiant fight continues on as Colombians daily make heroic sacrifices for their independence.

“A critical way to strengthen this staunch U.S. ally and key American trading partner is the passage of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. This historic agreement will support the progress Colombia has made and improve America’s competitive position in this important market.

“As Colombia celebrates its 199th Independence Day, now is the time for Congress to act by giving this agreement a vote.”