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July 2001

Focus Newsletter.

Reporting on innovative products and strategies for building better, safer roads.

In brief New Standard has states speaking the same language on pavement cracking Big Lessons from the Big Dig States achieve safety and savings with rapid deployment for bridge planning Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000 A plan for LTPP products
Highway Technology Calendar.
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In Brief...

The most up-to-date information on asphalt, concrete, and materials technology can be found on the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) new Office of Pavement Technology Web site ( The site contains information on publications, conferences, training programs, expert contacts, and the latest FHWA pavement initiatives, as well as links to other useful Web sites. You can also find an extensive library of reference material.

The National Highway Institute's (NHI) Training Resources Catalog 2001 is now available in print and CD-ROM versions. The catalog lists both NHI courses and programs offered by other training organizations. To obtain a copy, contact Kyung Kyu Lim at NHI (email: NHI course descriptions are also posted online at

The North Central Superpave Center now offers a quick and easy way to find a range of information on Superpave-related topics. The Center's "Superpave Links" Web page ( connects users with an extensive list of Superpave Web sites. The sites listed include those of State departments of transportation, as well as industry, other Superpave regional centers, academia, and equipment suppliers. Users can also link to various trade publications.

screenshot of Office of Pavement Technology Web site

screenshot of National Highway Institute Web site

FHWA's long-term pavement performance (LTPP) team has visited eight States with Specific Pavement Study (SPS) sites this year to explain the specifics of implementing the SPS Traffic Data Collection Study. The pooled fund study's goal is to improve the quality and quantity of monitored traffic data for the SPS-1, -2, -5, -6, and -8 projects (see November 2000 Focus). These projects were designed to learn how such factors as cumulative traffic loading affect pavements of different compositions, environmental conditions, and layer thickness.

The visits to Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Virginia also allowed the LTPP team to assess each State's SPS sites and to go over the LTPP policy on quality of traffic data. Additional State visits are being planned for this summer. For more information on the State visits or the pooled fund study, contact Larry Wiser at FHWA, 202-493-3079 (fax: 202-493-3161; email: You can also find information on the Web at

Other articles in this issue:

In Brief

New Standard Has States Speaking the Same Language on Pavement Cracking

Big Lessons from the Big Dig

States Achieve Safety and Savings with Rapid Deployment for Bridge Planning

Introducing the New and Improved Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000

A Plan for LTPP Products

Highway technology calendar

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration