Interoperabillity Week @ NIST, April 28-30, 2008 NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Ontology Summit 2008
Sensor Standards Harmonization Working Group (SSHWG)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop
2D and 3D Content Representation, Analysis, and Retrieval



Ontology Summit 2008
Monday and Tuesday, April 28-29
Technical POC: Steve Ray, NIST

The theme of the 2008 Ontology Summit is the vision of an Open Ontology Repository. This vision forms the basis of the Open Ontology Repository community, and this year's summit will support the effort to produce such a repository (or set of repositories) by serving as a venue - both virtual and face-to-face - in which many of the issues relating to the design, implementation, and ongoing use of an ontology repository can be discussed and ultimately resolved. In particular, these issues will include the themes of the 2006 and 2007 Ontology Summits (Upper Ontologies, and a framework for classification of ontologies, respectively), and this year's summit will thus also provide an opportunity to revisit the conclusions reached at those two prior meetings.

Meeting Web Site



Tuesday and Wednesday, April 29-30

Full details here.


Sensor Standards Harmonization Working Group (SSHWG)
Wednesday, April 30
Technical POC: Kang Lee, NIST

This meeting provides a forum for government, industry, and academia to exchange information on needs for sensor-related standards, and to consider existing and emerging sensor standards. Discussions will include identification of opportunities for harmonizing sensor-related standards to meet community needs, as well as demonstrating the application of sensor standards. A typical meeting includes four to six 30-minute presentations with ample additional time for discussion. Any party interested in making a presentation on the subject matter, please contact Kang Lee.


Collaborative Expedition Workshop
Exploring Identity Management: Global Landscape and Implications for
Stakeholder Engagement Around the National Response Framework

Wednesday, April 30
Technical POC: Susan Turnbull, GSA

This workshop will build on the implications of the National Response Framework, for Identity Management within a global context, and facilitate engagement by multiple communities including: identity management, enterprise architecture, disaster preparedness and response, ontology, modeling & simulation, and international digital standards (i.e. Open Archival Information System) to advance emergent national readiness.


Teleconferencing and venue information


2D and 3D Content Representation, Analysis, and Retrieval

Thursday and Friday, May 1-2
Technical POC: Talapady Bhat and Afzal Godil, NIST

This meeting is being organized to bring the research community together, increase communication among academia, industry, and government by creating a forum for the exchange of ideas, and to enhance transfer of technology.  The workshop aims to define a research agenda for the future, and to define the types of resources (2D and 3D databases, evaluation methodologies, algorithms, and interoperability) that would be useful to stimulate more research in the field.  The workshop is also to determine the type of role government can play to help stimulate this activity.

Meeting web page



age created February 2008
Last updated: Sep 12, 2008
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