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CME Requirements for Pain Management
CME Requirements FAQs
1. What continuing medical education (CME) is acceptable to satisfy the requirements of ORS 409.560 pertaining to pain management education?
Answer: Any 6 hours of CME on pain management or end-of-life care obtained after 2000.

2. How do I get credit for the one (1) hour pain management course specific to Oregon provided by the Pain Management Commission?
Answer: You can obtain that (1) one hour by going to www.oregon.gov/DHS/pain and watching the video at that site. At the completion of the video, follow the directions online.

3. When does the CME have to be completed?
Answer: By January 2, 2009.

4. What do I do with the documentation of having completed this pain management CME?
Answer: Keep it in safe place so you can demonstrate your completion of the requirement if you are challenged. Please DO NOT send it to the OMB!

5. Which licensees of the OMB are required to complete these requirements?
Answer: All licensees under the OMB are required to obtain the 6 hours of CME on pain management or end-of-life care, plus the 1 hour of pain management CME specific to Oregon.

6. Where can I read the Board’s administrative rules on pain management education?
Answer:  The full text of the rules are available at OMB Administrative Rules Addressing Pain Management Education.

Page updated: April 03, 2008

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